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David Delaney December 17th, 2008 05:54 PM

How to set up chapters as thumbnails in Arch?
I am wondering if there is a way to see up chapters in Vegas and then in Arch have them become buttons or thumbnails?
This is what I am doing presently :
1) Rendering out the full video (all chapters).
2) Rendering out individual chapters.

I take each of the files and bring them into Arch and go about making the DVD this way, but since that creates almost a duplicate of the entire show because I now have both chapters rendered and a full movie rendered.

Any ideas?

Jeff Harper December 17th, 2008 06:02 PM

Unless I'm not understanding your correctly (and I may not be, because this sounds too simple) do the following:

Bring in movie to menu of DVD Architect. Right click on that new button and click on "insert scene selection menu". Then you have your chapters and thumbnails. Customize as needed.

Is that what you need?

Tom Roper December 17th, 2008 06:33 PM

1.) On the Tree, Double Click the 2nd menu, to bring up the page you want. Or you can choose it from the drop down box above the edit window.
2.) Once you have the page you want (presumably for your chapters) showing in the editing window, click and hold on the Movie Title to drag it onto the menu page.
3.) Click on the thumbnail, then click on ACTION (under button properties).
4.) Click on destination chapter, and from the dropdown box select the chapter you want the thumbnail to call. (You will have first marked the chapters on the movie title.)

Terry Esslinger December 17th, 2008 06:33 PM

render your movie in Vegas. When you do have (M)arkers set at the chapter points. Make sure you save the markers when you render. Take into DVDA and you will be able to set up a submenu almost automatically with the markers. It will even ask you how many chapters you want per menu page.

David Delaney December 17th, 2008 07:20 PM

How do I save the markers when rendering?
Also, can I set an in point and out point for the markers?

Dave Stern December 17th, 2008 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by David Delaney (Post 980027)
How do I save the markers when rendering?
Also, can I set an in point and out point for the markers?

there's a checkbox in the render dialogue box to save the markers ... you can set the in / out point for the thumbnail once in DVDa ... follow the above then click on the thumbnail and look at it's properties (in the window on the right) and you will see the in point .. I believe the out is set by the length of the audio track for the menu (I *think*) ... but check in the properties once the thumbnail button is selected and you will see what you want .. in vegas all you are doing is setting the project markers and then exporting them with the rendered file (and don't rename your rendered file, I *think* the marker file carries the same name? at least that's how it used to be)

Mark Stavar December 17th, 2008 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by David Delaney (Post 979985)
I am wondering if there is a way to see up chapters in Vegas and then in Arch have them become buttons or thumbnails?
This is what I am doing presently :
1) Rendering out the full video (all chapters).
2) Rendering out individual chapters.

I take each of the files and bring them into Arch and go about making the DVD this way, but since that creates almost a duplicate of the entire show because I now have both chapters rendered and a full movie rendered.

Any ideas?


You can get an automatically generated "Scene Selection" menu by right-clicking on the media file in the project explorer. You should be presented with a menu, one of the options being something like "Insert scene selection menu". This will insert a button for each marker in the media file. It should also present you with thumbnails, but that might depend on the default setting for the DVDA theme you are using.

Very fast, quite straight-forward.


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