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Ken Steadman December 6th, 2008 02:35 PM

Vista 64 or Xp64 for Vegas 8?
My old editing computer mobo fried last night and I'm ready to start from scratch with a new editing rig. I know I want to go with 64 bit but not sure which one is better suited.

Who is using 64 bit with Vegas? What have been your experiences?

FYI I am editing 1080 AVCHD and would really like a boost in performance.

Thanks in advance!

James Harring December 6th, 2008 03:50 PM

My 2-bits on 64bit
Sony only offers tech support on Vista 64.
However, I am working on WinXP-64 with Vegas 8.1 without issues, but so far my stuff has not been that challenging so I would not be swayed to XP64 by my statement.

In both cases, be sure whatever plug-ins or ancillary software/hardware you expect to use are 64bit compliant too. I have a scanner and printer that won't "do" 64-bit anything. Manufacturer does not support it.

It may also be a good idea to partition your hard drive and dual boot: put a Win32 on one partition and then a 64 bit install on the other partition. Allows you to "ease" into this.

PS Look at the core i7 - it's "tuned" for Vegas style apps.

Edward Troxel December 6th, 2008 06:53 PM

If you're going to go with a 64-bit OS, go with Vista. You'll more likely see new drivers being released for Vista 64 than for XP-64 since Vista 64 is the current/active platform. Are you planning on running 8.1 or one of the 32-bit varieties?

Jeff Harper December 7th, 2008 01:12 AM

Lots of folks around here are running Vista 64 bit.

Should work well with a new rig.

Ken Steadman December 8th, 2008 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Edward Troxel (Post 974014)
If you're going to go with a 64-bit OS, go with Vista. You'll more likely see new drivers being released for Vista 64 than for XP-64 since Vista 64 is the current/active platform. Are you planning on running 8.1 or one of the 32-bit varieties?

Thanks Ed I hadn't thought about that. I think that now I'm going to take James' advice a run a dual boot XP pro and Vista64 system, so i guess both 8.1 and 8.0.

Christian de Godzinsky December 8th, 2008 08:04 AM


If you ever consider burning Bluray from within Vegas or DVDA, then there is no option - go with Vista 64 bit.

XP 64 bit has NO native support for Blueray writing (UDF2.5 missing). This was the reason why I HAD to scrap XP64 (that I liked very much) and switch to Vista 64 bit, that I don't love....


Paul Inglis December 8th, 2008 10:11 AM

I have just spent the last few months sorting out my editing suite and have written a couple of posts about 64-bit Vista and HD editing!

The links are;
Paul Inglis Media Web Journal Blog Archive High Definition Post Production About the Suite
Paul Inglis Media Web Journal Blog Archive 64-Bit Software Compatible Software

Hope it helps!

Jeff Harper December 8th, 2008 11:12 AM

If you plan to install Vegas 8.1 (64 bit) on Vista 64 bit, keep in mind there are issues for some and all is not perfect for everyone that attempts to use it.

First, there is, as of yet, only one plug in (that I know of) that works with it, Excalibur.

Also, I am plagued with a black frames issue with 8.1 that has followed me from my old PC to the new one....still have no fix for it.

There have been a few around that have found 8.1 unusable, and I'm one of them.

The worst case scenario is you would have to run Vegas 8.0c on your Vista 64 configuration, but you are almost certain to have few if any issues if that turns out to be the case.

Many have agreed Vegas 8.1 is not yet ready for prime time, though others are having no issue with it.

I currently am rendering 90 minute projects in Vegas 8.0c (with light color correction, etc only) in 30-45 minutes. So the minor speed increase in rendering is insignificant with Vegas 8.1 and of no great loss to me though it would be nice if it worked. I would love to be able to use it.

Performance increase with an i7 processor is much more significant than using 8.1. I imagine a usable version of 8.1 couple with an i7 would be excellent!

Paul Inglis December 8th, 2008 11:21 AM

I know that Boris FX, Graffiti and RED work with 64-bit!

Jeff Harper December 8th, 2008 12:17 PM

That's great. I wish that Ultimate S and Magic Bullet did as well.

Edit: Vasst is working on Ultimate S compatability.

Alastair Brown December 8th, 2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 974717)
That's great. I wish that Ultimate S and Magic Bullet did as well.

I', wishing even harder than you. My i7 with 64 bit Vista arrives on the 18th. There's always a fly in the ointment!!!!!!!

Paul Inglis December 8th, 2008 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 974717)
That's great. I wish that Ultimate S and Magic Bullet did as well.

Me too! It will be shortly I'm sure!

Jeff Harper December 8th, 2008 01:17 PM

Regarding black frames, did a quick web search and I have finally found others with same issue, and with one user finds the issue is only with SD footage.

Black frames is issue affecting few users, but those that is does affect as of yet have no solution.

I find Vegas 32 bit works exceptionally well with Vista 64, so you can't really go wrong with it as long as your pc is up to it.

Ken Steadman December 8th, 2008 01:49 PM

Ouch, losing Magic bullet is going to hurt!

I was planing on building an i7 rig the processors are very reasonably priced

Mike Kujbida December 8th, 2008 01:58 PM

Not sure if it'll help or not but here's what Red Giant has to say.

We do not currently certify support for 64-bit Windows, but we do support 32-bit Windows installations.

The following instructions are for users with 32-bit or 64-bit Windows Vista (not 64-bit Windows XP) systems. These instructions may help you get some or all of our products working on your system.

Magic Bullet Looks: Windows Vista 32-bit & 64-bit installation help.

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