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William Tegethoff October 23rd, 2008 08:50 AM

Sub 2 hour video over 5.1 gig..
Im rendering out of Vegas 8.0 for dvd widescreen. One edited video track, 5 transistions, two audio tracks and 1:56 min timeline. I cant get here to less than 5.1 gig and DVD architect wont compress... Help me Obi Wan Kenobi....Your my only hope

Mike Kujbida October 23rd, 2008 09:03 AM

You are talking about Vegas Pro 8, correct?
And you're rendering AC-3 audio?
If so, render again from Vegas but use either of the following bitrate settings.
I guarantee these will work for you as I just finished rendering two different shows using these numbers and had no problems getting it onto a single-layer DVD.
You will need to go into the Custom and then Video tab in Vegas and change the numbers to these settings.
Once done, save them as a 2 hr. DVDA preset so that it can be used again and again.

CBR: 4,576,000
VBR: 8,000,000 / 4,576,000 / 2,744,000

Jason Boyette October 23rd, 2008 09:04 AM

What format are you rendering out as?

William Tegethoff October 23rd, 2008 09:15 AM

Rendering out as
mpeg2 for dvd architect widescreen

Edward Troxel October 23rd, 2008 10:17 AM

William, as Mike said you need to adjust the bitrate. You haven't yet said what VERSION of Vegas you're using (other than "8") Is it 8 Pro? or is it 8 Movie Studio? The Movie Studio versions don't let you set a custom bitrate for MPEG2 while the Pro version will.

As far as DVD Architect is concerned, it should recompress as needed if it's too large.

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