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Ryan Mason July 9th, 2008 07:07 PM

DVDA Playlist issues
I am having a problem with a disc that I am working on. It is a compilation disc with about 20 different video files on it in a menu. Then on the main menu I have a link to a playlist which has all the files in it as a play all button. What happens is it makes it part way through the teams and returns to the main menu, not finishing the playlist. IF anyone has any advice on how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it. I have been beating my head against the wall and burned a lot of coasters trying different things. I am using architect 4.0.

Thank you


Don Bloom July 10th, 2008 05:00 AM

check the end actions of the clips in the playlist. it sounds like one of them is set to return to most recent menu.


Ryan Mason July 11th, 2008 11:57 AM

Thanks Don, that did get the playlist working. Let me pose another question, and it may not be possible. They way I have my DVD structured is that I have an main menu with 2 buttons, one that goes to a menu with all the teams on it so that you can choose which team you would want to watch, and another connected to the playlist to play all the teams. With getting the end actions set to the next team for all of the media, the playlist cycles through the teams correctly. The difference is that now from the menu with the team list, it will start at the team you select and run through all the teams, not play each team, then return to the menu.

Now something else that I found last night which is odd. If I fast forward through the playlist on one of the discs that only plays part of the playlist before it goes back to the menu, it will go through all the teams, but on play it will send it back to menu.

I am not sure if I am making sense but any help is appreciated.

Thank you,

Don Bloom July 11th, 2008 12:45 PM

Hmmm, let me think. (ouch that hurts) Well try this. Set up another playlist with the team clips on it and set the end actions to go to the most recent menu. Then when you hit the play button it should go thru all the teams and when you go to the team menu you should be able to go thru them one at a time. Maybe. I'm kinda guessing here as I've never set one up that way but in therory it should work.

perhaps Edward or Mike K or Spot could chime in here and help us both out.


Ryan Mason July 11th, 2008 01:59 PM

How do I change the end action of each item in the play list, or even check that. That is how I orginaly have it set up, but for some odd reason, the playlist doesn't play all the way through, it goes about half way, and goes back to the menu.

Thanks for the help, I do appreciate it.

Edward Troxel July 11th, 2008 02:22 PM

I'm not sure you even need a playlist. You *will* have to add each video twice, though. Once for the individual play and once for the play all. For the individual plays, just drag them all to the menu(s). For the "Play All", add all the same video clips to the project again. Have the first one "End Action" to the second one and so forth until they're all linked. Even though the videos are added twice, it should only be added to the final DVD once so you don't need double the space.

Ryan Mason July 11th, 2008 04:27 PM

How do I add the videos for the play list without them showing up as a button? If that would work, it would be awesome as that is exactly what I am trying to do, I will experiment with it.

Thanks for the help.

Edward Troxel July 12th, 2008 07:39 AM

Simply click and drag them to the "Project" window to the left of the menu screen.

Ryan Mason July 14th, 2008 06:53 PM

I thought that was going to work, I put the videos on the disc and changed the end action so that it would point to the next video, then I put them in my menu for selecting individual teams and made sure the end actions for all of those were to point back to the menu. In the preview in architect, but then when I burn a disc and play it, it plays each team twice.

Thanks for trying, I really appreciate the effort.


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