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Marco Maiello June 17th, 2008 05:34 AM

Vegas errors no more...
after months of fights against sony vegas i discovered something that maybe can be useful for other users.
My pc configuration was that:
Dual core 3.000 AMD
Nvidia 8800GTS
4gb (corsair RAM)
and a ASUS motherboard with the Nforce chipset driver.
After months of testing I understood that the problem of these (apparently) random errors was the motherboard and his chipset.
I changed ASUS MB with a Gigabyte with a amd 790x chipset.
Now all seems to work perfectly also with tons of native hdv clips on the timeline : )
I would like to know if other users had similar experience with hardware incompatibility : )
Bye Marco!

Rick Diaz June 17th, 2008 11:11 PM

Bonjourno, I have an Asus MB running Vegas with no problem. I do not use the onboard nVidia graphics, however.

Jeff Harper June 18th, 2008 10:36 PM

I had a Asus MB and had plenty of issues with it. Gigabit rules...

Scott Brickert June 21st, 2008 05:04 PM

So y'all are saying you belief it was the motherboard and not the chipset?

eg would any other 790x chipset work, or is there something particularly sanguine about Vegas and Gigabit?

I have an Abit IP35Pro and alot of problems with Vegas.....

Jeff Harper June 21st, 2008 10:49 PM

Scott, I simply had bad experience with Asus, with one board. Installing drivers was very inconvenient and messy, and the board just didn't suit me because of compatability issues.

I have heard great things about Abit boards, so that just goes to show you it all just depends. I'm now a believer in purchasing ready made workstations. There are so many potential issues in this editing experience, I decided to try to eliminate at least a portion of those issues by purchasing a proven workstation performer, and I haven't looked back.

Good luck with your Abit!

Bill Ravens June 22nd, 2008 08:05 AM

Perhaps not the chipset so mach as the OEM's application of the chipset. I've found that Intel CPU's mated with Intel mobo's are the most solid combinations I can find for edit platforms.

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