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Ian Stark June 6th, 2008 11:12 AM

Undo buffer error
Anyone ever seen the undo buffer error that requires you to save your project under a different name and restart Vegas?

Happened to me twice today. I'm about to do a complete clean install of everything on my main machine - I getting worried that things are beginning to fall apart, in particular Vegas.

Just need to get this major project out the way . . .

Edward Troxel June 6th, 2008 11:38 AM

I've seen the error. Not sure what causes it. I've always done what it suggests: Save the project (I use a NEW name just in case), exit Vegas, and restart.

Ian Stark June 6th, 2008 11:48 AM

Likewise, Edward, new name just in case!

I notice a chap also raised the issue in January but there were no reponses to his post. No mention at all on the Sony site.

A common factor shared by me and the CC poster was the addition of stills to the timeline at around the time of the warning message. In my case it was one psd, one tiff and several jpegs (all of the same logo, just trying different formats to determine the best quality). In his case it was the addition of some 200 stills.

Would I be right in assuming that the undo history is saved with the veg file, hence the advice to Save As?

Edward Troxel June 6th, 2008 12:08 PM

No. The "undo" files (and "Redo" files) are stored in the "Temp" folder. Typically these are deleted when Vegas is shut down. Sometimes they get left if Vegas happens to cause some error. Go look in the temp folder and you'll probably find some "undo" and "redo" files.

BTW, where are your temp files being stored? If on the "C" drive, you might want to move them somewhere else.

Ian Stark June 6th, 2008 12:29 PM

Ah, OK. Then I'm a little mystified as to why Vegas advises me to save under a different name. I'm sure there's a reason!

Just checked the location of the temp files and they are indeed on C:. I've now changed that to the same drive as my project files (or would I be better off using the drive that contains my rendered output? Any difference?)

What's the rationale for not having temp files stored on the system drive, Edward?

As always, your advice is much appreciated.

Ian . . .

Edward Troxel June 6th, 2008 12:45 PM

I don't like anything video related stored on the system drive except for the program itself. I always go to File - Properties and Options - Preferences and change anything pointing to the "C" drive somewhere else. It shouldn't matter which other drive you point them to, though. Either should be fine.

Basically, every time you change something it stores that change in the "Undo" file. Somehow, that file gets messed up and causes that error.

As for saving under a different name, I do it for safety. Then I have two options: The latest version with all changes to date and the previous version. If, for some reason, the current one won't reopen, hopefully the previous one will.

Graham Bernard June 6th, 2008 11:36 PM

Love/Hate relationship with Undo/Redo. Started in 2005 and reported to SONY. See my posts on the SONY site. Last post there on this subject was in May last year.

I can only think that as Vegas becomes more and more flexible and I become more and more demanding of it, something might creak a bit.

2 palliative "cures" I found that work for me and a portal for watching:

A] Saving projects often assists me. Edward's Auto Save is a left on all the time. Thanks Edward!

B] Also clear out the Undo Buffer contents. At one time I had over 200 TEMP files in there that were not clearing-down on exiting Vegas.

C] Also, and as a way to "see" what is happening, have the Buffer folder open as you work in Vegas. You actually observe what happens as you work within Vegas. If the Undo/redo files do not vanish AFTER exiting Vegas then they are still there when you reopen.

Edward, question: Was I right to put the Auto Save folder in the C:\ ? Or should I too place it in one of my other 4 internal drives? I like your thinking, but I was under the misconception that I would benefit putting AS in the C:\ root? Y/N?

Vegas Rox!


Ian Stark June 7th, 2008 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Graham Bernard (Post 889462)
See my posts on the SONY site. Last post there on this subject was in May last year.

Ah, that may be why I couldn't find anything at Sony - prob only searched on recent posts.

On the subject of regular saving, since 8 was released I have found myself saving after almost every operation!

There's enough weird stuff happening in my Vegas install now for me to want to do a clean sweep and rebuild the entire machine. I need a good housekeeping session anyway, to get rid of the tons of stuff I simply don't use any more. I may even take the plunge now and go to Vista. I may . . .!

Edward Troxel June 7th, 2008 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Graham Bernard
Edward, question: Was I right to put the Auto Save folder in the C:\ ? Or should I too place it in one of my other 4 internal drives? I like your thinking, but I was under the misconception that I would benefit putting AS in the C:\ root? Y/N?

I would NOT point Auto Save to the C: root as one of it's saving places. Using the C: drive for saving the emergency VEG files is OK but I'd create a folder for the emergency VEG files. With multiple other drives, I'd typically point the emergency folder to one of the other drives DIFFERENT from where the main VEG is being saved.

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