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Paul Kellett June 5th, 2008 10:34 AM

Which format ?
I need to give some of my EX1 footage to someone else for editing.
My friend uses imovie, a version about 3 years old and doesn't accept mxf files.
Which is the best format for me to render my footage to ? I have vegas pro 8.
Also i need a render template for the above settings.

I also have another friend who needs some of my footage, he has FCP5, so what format & render template should i use for him.


Paul Kellett June 5th, 2008 11:19 AM

Ok the first guy is shooting on a Sony HVR-HD100, he'll be copying his raw files to disc or hard-drive or whatever for someone else to edit, i did the shoot with him using my EX so i need to put my footage on a dvd or hard-drive for the same person to edit so i need to provide as close a match as possible.


Seth Bloombaum June 5th, 2008 11:51 AM

I don't know if 3y/o iMovie handles HD. You might be doing him a favor to give him SD.

Render As | Quicktime 7 | uncompressed template | custom render settings

Project | Video Rendering Quality | Best (this is a rescaling to SD, so best is best)

Video | Frame Size | PAL DV standard
Frame Rate | PAL 25
PAR - what's the PAR in PAL? Choose it.
Video Format | DV PAL
Configure | Interlaced or Progressive, 16x9 (probably)

Audio | Format | Uncompressed
Sample | 48,000
Bit Depth | 16
Channels | Stereo

Once you've done all this you should probably save the template as "QT HD to DV-PAL" or something. Strangely, Vegas doesn't give you templates for common QT output formats.

Your FCP friend should probably tell you what he wants.

Paul Kellett June 9th, 2008 07:46 AM

Best format for delivering to FCP 5.
I need to give my footage to someone whole edit on FCP 5.
Can someone give a render template for vegas.
I just did a render , a 1min 15 seconds clip rendered to quicktime template set at 100% best render, everything else left standard ended up being 13GB in size.



Seth Bloombaum June 9th, 2008 08:00 PM

If you want to give him/her SD footage, use the guidelines above. Pay special attention to "Video Format | DV PAL" (or DV PAL Widescreen). This will bring you down to 13GB per hour.

If you're trying to transfer HD footage you might want to get into a longer conversation with some FCP editors about what formats Vegas and FCP have in common. Some possibilities to explore include HDV M2T 25Mbps (not the HQ codec that you have access to in your EX1, the lower codec), seeing if they can download and use the XDCAM utility software (search the EX1 forum for links), or Cineform (see the Cineform forum), which is now available for Mac/FCP.

Rob Wood June 10th, 2008 07:34 AM

Probably not a solution but...

PhotoJPEG at 75% provides 4:2:2 and 100% gives 4:4:4. There's no interlace option (MotionJPEG has) but the quality is great.

Caveats: file size will be a lot bigger than HDV M2T 25Mbps (about 4-6 times the Mbps for SQ 1920x1080), and you may have to do a colorspace conversion.

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