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Tony Jucin April 12th, 2008 10:33 AM

How to get this effect in Vegas?
Im not sure if you guys have ever seen Top Gear but they always have this "Burnt" or "Nastaglic" look around the sides of there shots and I absolutely love it. How do we get that effect?

The first video is the Veyron, an absolutely INSANE CAR!


Steven Bills April 12th, 2008 10:43 AM

That's called a vignette. They most likely have the vignette filters on the cameras, judging by some of the shots throughout the course of the show.

Here is one way to do that in Vegas:

-Make a new track above your video layer.
-Scroll over to Media Generators, and I *THINK* that there is a vignette preset in there, I can't remember for sure.

Top Gear is the best show on TV, and their cinematography surpasses many feature films and definitely all of the current TV shows.


Tony Jucin April 12th, 2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Bills (Post 858814)
That's called a vignette. They most likely have the vignette filters on the cameras, judging by some of the shots throughout the course of the show.

Here is one way to do that in Vegas:

-Make a new track above your video layer.
-Scroll over to Media Generators, and I *THINK* that there is a vignette preset in there, I can't remember for sure.

Top Gear is the best show on TV, and their cinematography surpasses many feature films and definitely all of the current TV shows.


Awesome! Ill give it a wing!
Agreed their camera/editing work is amazing!

Jeff Harper April 12th, 2008 10:23 PM

You might also try the cookie cutter. 1. Select circle, center. 2. change shape to rectangle 3. Feather all the way to the extreme right setting. 4. Change size to suit you and you have a vignette.

Ian Stark April 13th, 2008 01:00 AM

And just to add my two cents: for complete control you can also create custom feathered masks in a graphics app and use them in Vegas.

Ian Stark April 13th, 2008 01:15 AM

Quick comment on Steven's suggestion:

There isn't a dedicated vignette generator as such, but you can achieve the same kind of result using the gradient generator and selecting the presets "eliptical transparent to black' or 'rectangular transparent to black'.

Play around with the control points, transparency, colour until you have something you like. Add a new control point to introduce another colour.

Ian . . .

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