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Richard Wakefield June 7th, 2007 06:39 AM

Fun Question: Greenscreen in Love Stories
ok, here's a non-technical and non-trailer thread

i've gone and got myself 5 metres of greenscreen material, which i hung up behind the couple for a few shots of the last Love Story. I think just for the moment, to save some time, i'll have a 3D photo gallery flying around them or something.

What i'm asking for though, is some really fun ideas for future couples. NO cheesy superman effects, or backdrops of sunsets and beaches (having said that, i if use Magic Bullet, with a hint of lens flare, it could look ok :)

I guess it'll depend on the couple, and i'll improvise with some of them, but was just wondering on your ideas?


Peter Szilveszter June 7th, 2007 08:21 PM

Top of a mountain, on Mars, moving along a train track, on the Enteprise from Star Trek or even the Death Star, slowmo with wind and make them underwater... well just a quick fun thoughts but I guess with a green screen its pretty much limitles.. i mean you could be even in a video game like oblivion :)

Mike Oveson June 8th, 2007 02:34 PM

I've used a greenscreen before simply because we couldn't get the kind of location we wanted. Mainly I've just composited a better looking background, usually a design or some non-distracting pattern. I've always wanted to go get some nice stock footage of good backgrounds to use, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Randy Stewart June 9th, 2007 09:20 PM

Here's a sample of using green screen in a romance video. It's a ways into it (about 4:50). Feedback welcome. http://www.cr-home-videos.com/SteveShannonPark1MG.wmv

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