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Vito DeFilippo April 30th, 2007 07:47 PM

3D photo montage
Hey all,

It's been a while since I posted a clip, and this is something new for me. I wanted to practice camera movement in after effects a bit, so I did a 3D photo wall montage for an upcoming wedding.

Any comments welcome as always. Clip is in Quicktime7 format.



Monday Isa April 30th, 2007 10:24 PM

Hey Vito,
Looked very good. Watched the first 3mins of your video and really like what I see. Only bugger is the flash. Was that to cover up, so you can start new frames?

Peter Jefferson April 30th, 2007 11:44 PM

interesting. i felt there were afew things lacking.. if youre going to create a 3d enviornment, i would sugget running a background clip (instead of plan black) as to me, the show seems to go "nowhere"
If however there was somethign like a star cascade in teh background, the images woudnt feel as though theyre in a void..

Thats not a bad thing (not having a background) , but i just saw a bunch of pics for about 5 monutes floating around.. and not much kept my attention. After a minute, the wowness of the 3d started to wane, and i was searching for something different... a change or a twist on the theme..
Sometimes less is more, but in this case, it was just "there" and i expected it to change a lil every now and then

Also, i would recomend softening or framing the image edges.

I liked it, but it felt as thoguh it dragged on a bit.
I would say this would work great if it didnt go on for such a long time

Richard Wakefield May 1st, 2007 01:56 AM


that's probably one of the best 3D montages i've personally seen on this site, but as Peter says, sort-of seems to go for on for far too long (unless of course, that's what the B+G were after?)

u've got the depth of field, the motion blur, the movement, it's very good, and shows u spent a long time on it! (and i quite like the plain black background - it suits your packed collage.)

on a similar theme, here's something i've been working on (using motion backgrounds, and different shapes), in the 3D environment:


Peter Jefferson May 1st, 2007 02:00 AM

see teh thing is, teh bride and groom will love it becuase its THEM.. but i persoanlly wopuldnt go this far for a slideshow unless its being presented at the reception, to which i try to turn the show into a story of their lives.
Paul Ngyuen has seen some recent slideshows ive done, but i try to break teh images up using parallaxed animation, particle animation and reanimation. I also layer clouds and manipulate in 3d space to mimic the perspective etc etc

This is great, but i think there is something missing and i cant put my finger on it.. :(

Michael J. Long May 1st, 2007 05:36 AM

Great show ,
Enjoyed your show ,maybe you or someone can help me. I'm looking for a 3d slideshow software program ,easy to use, used or new . Which program did you use .

Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Monday Isa (Post 670368)
Hey Vito,
Only bugger is the flash. Was that to cover up, so you can start new frames?

Hi Monday. I did use one of the flashes to jump to a new spot. The others were there to add a bit of punch and to remind us that it is, indeed, photos. Thanks for the comments.

Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
interesting. i felt there were afew things lacking.. I liked it, but it felt as thoguh it dragged on a bit.
I would say this would work great if it didnt go on for such a long time

Peter. I completely agree with you. I usually do my photo montages on the timeline in AVID, and it's takes me an hour or so. This time, I wanted to practice in After Effects a bit, because I don't use it much. But it took me forever, so I gave up eventually. I like your ideas, and will steal them for next time!


Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Wakefield
that's probably one of the best 3D montages i've personally seen on this site, but as Peter says, sort-of seems to go for on for far too long (unless of course, that's what the B+G were after?)

That's partially it. The bride wanted it to be 5-10 minutes long. I wanted it to stay the length of the original song (about 4min), but lengthened it to her minimum. At least I was able to talk her down to that length. Don't know if you caught the repeat in the song. 10 minutes would have been brutal.


u've got the depth of field, the motion blur, the movement, it's very good, and shows u spent a long time on it!
I'm glad you caught those things. No one mentioned the four photos that had the figure extracted from the background and animated separately. Guess I should have made it more obvious. And I lost track of blurring photos that were in the background here and there. It was just too tedious. I also used the wiggler a lot to randomize the camera movement a bit. Worked pretty well.

And I did spend a lot of time on it. Too much time! There's no way I can do that for every client.


on a similar theme, here's something i've been working on (using motion backgrounds, and different shapes), in the 3D environment:
Okay. You're not messing around! I love it so far. 1979....I was already nearly finished high school.... Is that After Effects as well?

Thanks for the encouragement.

Richard Wakefield May 1st, 2007 06:49 AM

it's so easy to spend hours and hours in AE isn't it...
u clearly spent a long time on it, i know from having use it myself...best not show that as a demo then, coz they'll all want it!

and cheers for the mention of camera wiggler...i must remember to use that!

oh yes, 1979, i don't remember it too well but then it was the year i was born :)

Patrick Moreau May 1st, 2007 06:56 AM

Hi Vito,

I really liked the idea behind your montage. I would agree with Peter that the background doesn't really match how good the rest of it is. I also think that your quick camera movements create tension in the viewer as you have soft and slow music sent to childhood photos with an erratic camera. As I'm sure switching the camera aruond would take quite a hile, I might try dropping in a slightly faster song, which would sync well with your camra speed.

Thanks for sharing.


Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Michael J. Long
Enjoyed your show ,maybe you or someone can help me. I'm looking for a 3d slideshow software program ,easy to use, used or new . Which program did you use .

Hi Michael. I used After Effects, which is not easy to use by any stretch of the imagination. Sorry, I don't know any montage programs specifically.

Thanks for watching,

Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Patrick Moreau
I also think that your quick camera movements create tension in the viewer as you have soft and slow music sent to childhood photos with an erratic camera. As I'm sure switching the camera aruond would take quite a hile, I might try dropping in a slightly faster song, which would sync well with your camra speed.

Hey Patrick,

The camera movement was a tough call, and a lot of it was just my inexperience with this kind of thing in AE. I found it frustrating and tedious to try and adjust keyframe speed, and especially interpolation, which seems to be a kind of black art to guess what the result may be sometimes.

To be honest, I tried to make the moves less obvious and smooth, so perhaps I disagree a bit. But there are moments that exhibit jerkiness that I despaired of fixing, so your comments certainly have some validity!

Thanks for the great feedback. I appreciate all you guys checking it out and taking the time to comment. It helps a lot....

Rick Steele May 1st, 2007 08:56 AM


best not show that as a demo then, coz they'll all want it!
Ain't that the truth... I priced my montages so far out of reach I don't have to do them anymore. (Which is what I really wanted in the first place).

Vito DeFilippo May 1st, 2007 08:59 AM

I hear you Rick. I can't imagine many people paying me what I would charge to repeat this montage. Especially since I would probably put even more time into it for someone who asked for this kind of thing. This particular client just got lucky I wanted to practice a bit in AE.

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