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Jerome Cloninger December 28th, 2006 04:20 PM

Christmas Eve Trailer
Thought I'd share this with you guys... This couple planned this wedding in 1 week as they decided it would be nice to go ahead and do it when some of the family members were in town. Just close family and friends... I had this done and on my site that night. And one cool thing, the groom's mom was the officiate!


PS... there is a mishap on the encoding when the candle lighters come in...

Michael W. Niece December 28th, 2006 05:04 PM

Having inspired me to make my own wedding teasers, I thought you did a good job. Sometimes I also have problems when encoding videos. Once every blue moon Adobe Media Encoder will throw in bright red frames whenever I use a frame hold (by saving a frame and using it like a still photo on the timeline). Re-renders have always fixed it, but why it would do that while rendering and not show it on the timeline is beyond me.


Jonathan Nelson December 28th, 2006 05:28 PM

Very unique, I loved the music. The part with the tree was fantastic. Did you use any equipment other than a tripod to achieve those shots?

Michael Nistler December 28th, 2006 08:32 PM

All around great job
Hi Jerome,

Lovely job and I'm sure your clients will be thrilled. Everything worked and fit together: camera work/composition, music, tempo, editing, and particularly the story! The hectic pace normally associated with the holiday beauifully matched the music and your editing tempo, which underscored the drama of the expedited wedding - cudos to you! Many thanks for sharing - I'll definitely add it to my collection.

Warm Regards, Michael

Andrea Lair December 29th, 2006 03:26 PM

Wow! That was great. All these wedding trailers are inspiring me to try it out myself. Now I just need more time in the day. Hmm.......

Jerome Cloninger December 30th, 2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea Lair
Wow! That was great. All these wedding trailers are inspiring me to try it out myself. Now I just need more time in the day. Hmm.......

Thanks everyone! BTW, I made this in about 2.5 hours including capturing.

Michael Nistler December 31st, 2006 12:26 AM

Hmm - Tennessee?
Wow Jerome - all in 2 1/2 hours? Are you *sure* you are from Tennessee? <wink> Seriously, I'd guess it was the better part of an hour of recording, at least that long to review, then the editing and rendering (we'll ignore the uploading). So what NLE are you using, anyway? I'll bet you're wicked-quick doing Same Day Edits!

Regards, Michael

Jerome Cloninger December 31st, 2006 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Nistler
Wow Jerome - all in 2 1/2 hours? Are you *sure* you are from Tennessee? <wink> Seriously, I'd guess it was the better part of an hour of recording, at least that long to review, then the editing and rendering (we'll ignore the uploading). So what NLE are you using, anyway? I'll bet you're wicked-quick doing Same Day Edits!

Regards, Michael

About 2.5 hours... yes. I still had to cook turkies and stuff and wrap presents, but yes, capturing and editing, not shooting it. I'm using Vegas 7, edited in native HDV, and uploaded with my fast connection.

I do know it took about an hour and 15 minutes to review and capture.

I've only done 2 SDEs, but at home with the trailers, I'm trying to get the process down to "practice" for SDEs. When I get a DTE drive, It will go even faster.

Yes, I'm a Tennessee native... whatchutalkin 'bout? We're not all hick rednecks. <wink>

Andrea Lair December 31st, 2006 08:48 AM

2.5 hours?! Man, I really need to practice more. I'm a newbie so it takes me much longer to edit something like that. And the audio track you used was perfect!

Jerome Cloninger December 31st, 2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea Lair
2.5 hours?! Man, I really need to practice more. I'm a newbie so it takes me much longer to edit something like that. By the way, where did you get the audio track? That was perfect to use!

Thanks Andrea. The song is "Carol of the Bells" of course. *wink*

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