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Glen Elliott September 7th, 2006 10:37 AM

New Wedding/Event Training Material
I was asked, several times, about the prospect of me producing training material. I was unsure about taking on this endeavor however due to the ongoing expressed interest in such a product I decided to go forth with it.

I just wanted to make the announcement I have officially released my first Wedding/Event related training volume available NOW at:


GmElliott Videography Training Volume 1 will feature a wedding videography production in its entirety. A very first for me, as I've shown short excerpts but never an entire production in its entirety. It will also include all the original menus and buttons to view how I handle DVD authoring/design.

Educational content includes a full running commentary track that can be toggled on an off at any time in which I will give you insight into the production of this wedding event. I will discuss the various methods which I employ to create a more emotional edit. I also discuss concepts and methodology including shooting all the way through the post-production process.

Additionally there are two unique features I call Information HUDs. If you see a particular shot you liked and wondered what wide-angle lens was used and/or how the shot was acquired (handheld, monopod, glidecam, etc) you can simply toggle on the Information HUD (via your DVD remote's Subtitle button) that will display the Lens and support method used for any particular shot in the wedding.

Lastly there is a second Information HUD that displays the original questions asked to the client to evoke the answers which were subsequently used as voice-overs in the original video.

Kevin Shaw September 7th, 2006 11:17 AM

Thanks Glen, this looks promising. Any thoughts of doing an FCP tutorial?

Glen Elliott September 7th, 2006 11:27 AM

Not any time soon- FCP Studio is still very new to me. I'm starting my first Wedding edit on FCP next week.

Beth Dill September 7th, 2006 12:04 PM

Thanks! Will be ordering shortly ;-)

Monday Isa September 7th, 2006 12:40 PM

Hey Glen thanks for taking the time develop this training material. I as well will be purchasing one. I witnessed a great shot you had in the video your gpva did for the weva competition and it just boggled my mind. Now I can see that shot in it's entirety. Thanks man


Glen Elliott September 7th, 2006 01:55 PM

Hey Monday, thanks for the support. Please let me know how you liked the disc when you receive it!

Kevin Shaw September 7th, 2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Glen Elliott
Not any time soon- FCP Studio is still very new to me. I'm starting my first Wedding edit on FCP next week.

Okay, let us know how that goes for you. I'm starting to be tempted by the latest Macs but would appreciate some insight on what it's like coming into FCP from PC-based editing programs. Sounds like there are some things I'd miss, but with the option to run Windows now I figure maybe I could make it all work. As my brother said recently, "maybe we should be buying all our Windows computers from Apple."


Monday Isa September 7th, 2006 07:43 PM

I sure will.

Peter Jefferson September 9th, 2006 03:04 AM

have u considered going to a publisher? Also have a chat with Douglas Spotted Eagle or John Rofrano from VASST who may also help considering your an avid (pardon the pun) Vegas user...

Good luck with the venture

Glen Elliott September 12th, 2006 01:57 PM

I'm going to sell it exclusively for a while as I have other volumes in the works and might even do bundles. Thank you kindly for the good suggestions.

Jason Bowers September 26th, 2006 06:56 PM

Hi guys,
I was wondering how long it takes to recieve this dvd from Glen. I purchased it last wednesday and am anxiously awaiting confirmation of delivery. I love his work and hope to learn from it. I imagine he must be busy right now as well so I was just checking.


Monday Isa September 26th, 2006 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jason Bowers
Hi guys,
I was wondering how long it takes to recieve this dvd from Glen. I purchased it last wednesday and am anxiously awaiting confirmation of delivery. I love his work and hope to learn from it. I imagine he must be busy right now as well so I was just checking.


It took about 5 days for me. I live two states from him. The DVD is very good, and a very good investment I will say. Very insightful on story telling.

Glen Elliott September 28th, 2006 08:44 AM

The first batch of orders went out that following weekend after the release. Now they usually go out the following day the order is recieved. It should take a few days tops for Continental US orders. It may be a bit longer for shipping to Canada.

Jason, let me know if you don't get it by this friday. Your order was shipped the day after I recieved your order. Thanks again for your support.

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