Jason Robinson |
November 1st, 2006 10:42 AM |
I Have been lucky (somewhat)
Originally Posted by Dan Minor
If a client seems to have bad taste in music then I get them to give me a range of songs to work with. I can't let some be specific
I don't give the clients a choice in music. I let them know that due to licensing I will attempt to find music that matches their wedding style, but that I retain ultimate control over everything. They see my styl on the previous projects and if they don't like it they go else where. To date, I have booked all but one client that I talked with (that one was just looking around 1 yr in advance).
But what blocks me is bad shots. I'm still plenty new enough to have bad shots that just make me cringe when editing. Like right now, I am pissed that I didn't get enough B-Roll setup shots because I have my intro song but not enough good footage to fit it.
And incidentally, I seem to pick my music and then edit to it, rather than edit the video and fit music to it. May be that is just me, but I know it is not the best way to edit. It just seems to be the way I get good results.