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Steve Burkett September 1st, 2015 01:25 PM

The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.
Okay, as a user of the GH4, I am pretty excited about the latest news from Panasonic. An upgrade to the GH4 that adds Vlog. Okay, boo hiss, its a paid upgrade, but to be honest I was expecting that. However I'm intrigued as to how VLog can be used to help me with Wedding filming. Does it take a long time to grade; how steep is the learning curve.

Nether-less the possibilities of 12 stops of DR vs 10 stops has its appeal, especially with harsh light both inside from windows and outside generally.

However the big surprising news for me is the new GH4r, planned for European countries only, which will finally remove the recording limit. Suddenly I have a camera that matches my main one and which isn't encumbered with 29 minutes limit. I can see it replacing my 2 hacked GH2's, which are showing their age and of course don't do 4K. I was considering getting an export, but in light of this news, I shall hold on and wait for the GH4r.

Is this the future - will other cameras follow suit and finally end this frankly ridiculous limit. I do hope so.

Gary Huff September 1st, 2015 01:42 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett (Post 1896753)
Is this the future - will other cameras follow suit and finally end this frankly ridiculous limit. I do hope so.

And you're willing to pay the VAT on that?

Craig McKenna September 1st, 2015 01:45 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.
I just hope the R range continues when the 5th GH camera drops. Similarly to you, I was very excited to hear the news of the new turn for DSLRs with the release of a camera that shoots for as long as an SD card runs. Like you, I was also considering an import. I'm really glad a company has decided to pay the EU tax in relation to the recording limit, and finally allowed us to pay extra for what we want.

Panasonic really does listen to its consumers, and I'm hoping that we'll see the GH5R drop along with the GH5 next year, as I'd like to buy the GH5 without the recording time limit as well.

As for V Log, from Digital Revs review of the Log profile months ago, I am wary of using it for weddings. It sounds like nailing your focus is a worry when the colour profile is so flat. That said, I'm sure that AF would free you of any unnerving circumstances, and like you, I am interested in the 12 stops of dynamic range, though I do like blowing out the windows of venues from time to time, especially if I am shooting morning prep.

Gary Huff September 1st, 2015 01:50 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.
I wouldn't shoot weddings with Vlog L unless you want to spend time denoising all your footage.

Steve Burkett September 1st, 2015 02:01 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896756)
And you're willing to pay the VAT on that?

Er yes. Odd question.


Originally Posted by Craig McKenna (Post 1896757)
As for V Log, from Digital Revs review of the Log profile months ago, I am wary of using it for weddings. It sounds like nailing your focus is a worry when the colour profile is so flat.

I think for every shot it would be too much, but used correctly I think it has potential. Time will tell.


Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896759)
I wouldn't shoot weddings with Vlog L unless you want to spend time denoising all your footage.

Is this a statement based on actually using the GH4 with V Log or just the DVX200's application of it?

Gary Huff September 1st, 2015 02:02 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett (Post 1896760)
s this a statement based on actually using the GH4 with V Log or just the DVX200's application of it?

I thought this thread was about the GH4.

Steve Burkett September 1st, 2015 02:07 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896762)
I thought this thread was about the GH4.

Nope, its more about V Log and the end of the recording limit. I mention the DVX200 as I hear the image is quite noisy with V Log, and I wondered if your concerns about it were based on that alone. Opinions are divided, but many feel the GH4 and the DVX200 are quite different cameras, so it may not suffer the same issues. I say maybe of course.

There is also the fact that those beta testing the GH4 with V Log never complained to my knowledge of the noise issues, but perhaps you can link me to cases where they did. I'd be interested to know before forking out for the upgrade.

Gary Huff September 1st, 2015 02:09 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett (Post 1896764)
There is also the fact that those beta testing the GH4 with V Log never complained to my knowledge of the noise issues, but perhaps you can link me to cases where they did. I'd be interested to know before forking out for the upgrade.

Well, of course if the weddings you shoot are outside during the day, then you won't have any problem at all.

Steve Burkett September 1st, 2015 02:12 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896765)
Well, of course if the weddings you shoot are outside during the day, then you won't have any problem at all.


Daniel Latimer September 1st, 2015 06:50 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896765)
Well, of course if the weddings you shoot are outside during the day, then you won't have any problem at all.

So you're a fan

Gary Huff September 1st, 2015 07:59 PM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Daniel Latimer (Post 1896785)
So you're a fan

Just bracing myself for everyone who starts complaining when it bites them while trying to film a low-light reception.

Steve Burkett September 2nd, 2015 04:26 AM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Gary Huff (Post 1896787)
Just bracing myself for everyone who starts complaining when it bites them while trying to film a low-light reception.

You're clearly a glass half empty sort of person. What happened to looking on the bright side, a touch of cheerful optimism. Maybe it'll deliver in low light. Time will tell. I never expect any Panasonic camera to nail low light as perfectly as say a C100, just enough to suit my needs.

Gary Huff September 2nd, 2015 08:32 AM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett (Post 1896815)
You're clearly a glass half empty sort of person.

More like I know what I'm talking about.


What happened to looking on the bright side, a touch of cheerful optimism.
Because it's unrealistic to expect if you know what you're talking about.


Maybe it'll deliver in low light.
No it won't, and I would be willing to bet money over it.


I never expect any Panasonic camera to nail low light as perfectly as say a C100, just enough to suit my needs.
I paired a GH4 with my C100 and it wasn't enough to suit my needs.

Steve Burkett September 2nd, 2015 08:50 AM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.
I confess to never taking seriously anyone who says they know what they're talking about. Always comes over like hubris to me, but there you go. You're entitled to your opinion and it may well be you're quite correct. I'm not experienced on v log to offer evidence to the contrary. No doubt that will change when I do the upgrade. My expectations are realistic, so you shan't suffer any complaints from me. I must admit just the opportunity to experiment with grading such footage is worth the upgrade. Looking forward to playing with it over the lighter winter months.

No doubt the GH4 doesn't meet your needs, but for mine, it does. Different needs, different gear, simple as that.

Gary Huff September 2nd, 2015 08:56 AM

Re: The GH4r - V'Log & Europe's answer to the recording limit problem.

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett (Post 1896842)
I confess to never taking seriously anyone who says they know what they're talking about.

And I never take anyone seriously who misses the point entirely:


No doubt the GH4 doesn't meet your needs, but for mine, it does. Different needs, different gear, simple as that.
Where did I say that the GH4 wasn't a good camera or that Vlog L is worthless and shouldn't be used by anyone? That's what you say to people who say things like that, but that's not what I said at all. When I say it's not in the same league as the C100, that doesn't mean its bad for everyone, does it?

I think I made my point quite clear that if you try to use Vlog L in a low-light situation that the GH4 already struggles with, that you're going to make things worse, not better. If you use it in bright sunlight, then sure, go nuts (though you might end up overexposing it like the guys at Newsshooter did, but that doesn't bother you I guess?).

Then you said that you think it will deliver in lowlight. My experience, and my knowledge, tells me that Vlog L and low light shooting is going to make for a frustrating experience. If you think I'm full of it, then I think a friendly wager is in order.

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