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-   -   First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/wedding-event-videography-techniques/500153-first-t3i-shots-paired-xf300-wedding-preview.html)

Tim Bakland August 30th, 2011 12:17 PM

First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
For those of you who were following my last thread (inquiring about a first DSLR to dabble with http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/wedding-...lr-dabble.html), I listened to all your helpful advice and pulled the trigger on the T3i and even used it for the first time (paired with the XF300) in a wedding -- for bridal prep, set-up shots, cocktails and the photo shoots. (A couple ceremony cutaways, too). But for the running ceremony, I stuck with the XF300 as with the first dance/toasts.

So... if anyone wants to take a look at the first trailer from this past weekend and give me any advice, I'd sure love feedback. (Completely new to this!). 80% of this if T3i, Canon 17-55 2.8 lens and some shots with the canon 50mm 1.4. I've continued learning a lot and have vowed to be better about the 180 degree rule (in some of the more panicked moments my first time, I found myself knee jerking to raise the shutter beyond the 60fps recommended with 30 frame rate. Anyway! Take a look. Would love to hear your thoughts on how it pairs with the XF300. I'm not putting this in the wedding samples forum, because I think it's more relavent here in the how seeing as the original thread is here, although I suppose it could be helpful for XF owners to see the pairing, too.

Jeff Harper August 30th, 2011 01:06 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Gorgeous images, T3i, good choice, and what great camera work, well done sir!

Tim Bakland August 30th, 2011 01:10 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Thanks so much, Jeff -- and you had chimed in on the original thread, very helpful, -- so thanks doubly.

Rodrigo de la Garza August 30th, 2011 02:18 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
That was wonderful, thank you for sharing. May I ask, what rigs, tripods, stabilizers you are using? Thanks and congratulations, it looks great!

Tim Bakland August 30th, 2011 03:58 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Thank you, Rodrigo - nothing too elaborate at all. My mainstay (for any camera) is the manfrotto monopod with the feet. Love it. WD40 it every couple jobs and it's smooth as silk.

Otherwise, a glidetrack for the horizontal glides. Just the small one. And I only used it sparingly and for atmosphere shots. Haven't attempted it while the couple is present or anything like that.

I have a glidecam HD1000 but haven't mixed that in yet. I want to have a better feel for focal length before any attempt!

Don Rumsey November 8th, 2011 11:42 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Very nice!

Mark Davidson November 9th, 2011 04:28 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Very nice indeed. Great video, audio, and editing. I looked hard to find something of value to offer for constructive feedback.

The only thing I could come up with was that the first several seconds had text on the bottom of the screen, but it was too hard to read the text and view the images at the same time. You might consider letting the text linger a bit longer.

R Geoff Baker November 9th, 2011 06:50 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Nice work. I like the use of 'split' screen early on, would be happy to have seen more.

I'll be an ass and point out that in your early post you mention '60 fps' when you really mean 1/60 -- I understand what you mean, but shutter speed and frame rate really aren't the same thing.


Tim Bakland November 9th, 2011 10:37 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
Yes, no question: 1/60 indeed. A slip-up earlier, and thanks for pointing out!

And, yeah, I agree about the text, too!

James Millward November 10th, 2011 03:06 PM

Re: First T3i shots paired with XF300 in Wedding Preview
That was very very nice!

As said, the txt at the start is way too quick to read and doesnt match the pace of the track.

Also, whilst I realise its a trailer for the video, some shots were a little too short before cutting away to the next shot. Again, it doesnt quite match the pace of the track.

Beautiful though :)


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