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Jeff Harper August 23rd, 2011 11:26 AM

Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Shooting a video at the park with a black couple, bride wants both of them to wear black. She'd wear black dress, him a black shirt.

Would them both wearing black cause any issues, like would they blend together too much?

In addition, I am able to suggest alternate colors for him to contrast with the black dress she wants to wear. Anyone got any general suggestion for him? Maybe a blue collared shirt and black slacks?

I am avoiding white as it plays hell with exposures with the faces of darker skinned folks unless I blow out the shirt, which I don't intend to do. Been there done that, no fun.


Rickey Brillantes August 23rd, 2011 01:33 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Black clothing for a video shoot on the park wouldn't look very nice on my experienced, I had it once and they look like sorcerers or magicians instead of people in love. Ask them to wear light or neutral colors that will stand out in green backgrounds. Just my opinion.

Rickey Brillantes
iClickFilms - Wedding and Event Videography

Corey Graham August 23rd, 2011 01:37 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Neutrals for sure, so you'll be able to expose for the skin tones and not blow out the clothing color. You need a good contrast, as the faces are the most important subjects in the frame and you're right about them possibly getting lost in all the dark color.

You'll probably also do well to use a graduated ND filter to help keep the sky from blowing out too.

Jeff Harper August 23rd, 2011 04:47 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
I've not shot dark skin in black, but I have in white, and it was necessary to blow out the shirt a lot to get the face properly exposed. She's hooked on the dress. I'm going to have to talk with her about it.

Shaun Roemich August 23rd, 2011 05:32 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Add battery powered LED lights to the package to get some contrast reduction. Or at LEAST a bounce card or two and assistants.

Les Wilson August 23rd, 2011 05:39 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Aqua (turquoise), medium to dark orange or dark khaki. Purple is another but may clash with nature's colors in the park.

Brian Drysdale August 24th, 2011 12:58 AM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich (Post 1677098)
Add battery powered LED lights to the package to get some contrast reduction. Or at LEAST a bounce card or two and assistants.

Yes, black is an interesting colour. Reflectors can bring out the skin tones compared to the black cloth.

Jeff Harper August 24th, 2011 05:42 AM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
I suggested to her that she wear her black dress and her husband (they are now married) wear black slacks and dress shoes with a royal blue shirt.

I'm thinking that will be fine, and I'll take along my reflector and all should be well!

Michael Simons August 25th, 2011 06:31 AM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
It is what it is. I'm sure by this age in their life they've been photographed in dark clothes before. They know what they are in for.

Bruce Watson August 25th, 2011 01:23 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple

Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1677012)
Shooting a video at the park with a black couple, bride wants both of them to wear black. She'd wear black dress, him a black shirt.

Would them both wearing black cause any issues, like would they blend together too much?

What makes images go, still or video, is visual contrast. This is true in B&W and color both, but with color you have more options (hue and saturation along with luminosity). So what you want, is some contrast. Contrast between their clothes and their faces, between each other's clothes, between foreground and background, etc.

Given the problems that video (and still) cameras have with recording texture in black objects (e.g. crushed blacks, noise, etc.), I would encourage them to reconsider. I'd want the same thing for them as I would any person being photographed -- neutral colors, non-busy patterns. The purpose of this is to keep the clothes from drawing the eye away from the faces too much.

But if they insist, that is of course their right. Then what you can do to bring about some contrast is create some cross lighting. Consider putting their backs to the sun (get some hairlighting and light on the edges of the clothes to generate some separation if the background is also dark). Then use your reflector at a 45 degree angle to them, so that you generate some highlights and shadows using the draping of the clothes to show the texture and character of the clothes. And of course the faces -- the reflector becomes your key light creating highlights and shadows on the faces as well.

If you can do that, and avoid bright backgrounds, you should be OK maybe. Just be sure to avoid underexposure of them or the black clothes, but you already know that.

Jeff Harper August 25th, 2011 02:13 PM

Re: Clothing selection for dark skinned couple
Good basic stuff Bruce. It is the basics that will get me every time. You addressed the issue perfectly: contrast. Thanks.

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