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A.J. Briones August 4th, 2005 02:11 AM

what do you do the day after?
so it's sunday morning, and you've spent all of saturday on your feet from prep to ceremony to reception. how do y'all unwind after a wedding?

me? sometimes i go straight to the editing room, and sometimes i veg out in front of the tv. lately, however, i've been dreaming of a massage.

what do you guys and gals do?

Peter Jefferson August 4th, 2005 02:14 AM

get home soak my feet in a foot spa.. have a turkish coffee and run some star trek TNG dvd's from my collection.. their pace is really good as you bring yourself down from the hype that was the day... usualy im buzzing but this helps alot..

get up aabout midday the next day and bum around.. play with my son (and wife ;) ) and have some family time...

i try not to edit on the weekends as i usually spend 16 to 20hrs a day during the week editing anyway..

Jeremy Rochefort August 4th, 2005 02:31 AM

Nada - Zip. You kick your feet up and relax. More importantly, spend some quality time with the family.

We do weddings which more often than not takes up the entire Saturday. Weekends are for relaxing yet we still choose to work :)

Relax Relax Relax

Leave the edit for the Monday.


Edward Troxel August 4th, 2005 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by A.J. Briones
so it's sunday morning, and you've spent all of saturday on your feet from prep to ceremony to reception. how do y'all unwind after a wedding?

Sunday morning - that's easy. Go to Church.

Devin Eskew August 4th, 2005 08:40 AM

I'll usually stay up late, capture the footage and as well watch a litte TNG or DS9 go to church in the am and then spend the rest of the day with my beloved wife and kids. She tends to give up quite a bit not seeing her husband most weekends during May-Aug.

John DeLuca August 5th, 2005 03:08 PM

I loosely go through the footage, then straight to the golf course. Beer, friends, and golf carts=fun.


Patrick Pike August 5th, 2005 03:17 PM


Were you expecting something else?

Matt Sawyers August 9th, 2005 03:04 PM

don't do a whole lot on sunday, bum around--sleep, ooo a massage sounds like a great idea...

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