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Jim Snow October 16th, 2010 11:37 AM

Linear or non linear wedding highlights
Do you use linear or non linear style on wedding highlights? Why? Also, do you interleave the B&G prep shots? Why?

Dimitris Mantalias October 16th, 2010 05:37 PM

No right answer to this Jim. -:) We personally go for the non-linear highlights (although not always) but its a matter of personal preference. Some can build a nice narrative with non-linear editing and some can do the same with the linear option. We prefer it that way because it seems more interesting than to go from A to B, and that's it really.

Regarding the combination of B&G shots, we do both. Other times we seperate them and other times we combine. It depends entirely on the way we have thought about approaching the material. To tell the truth though, I prefer the combined option. It gives the sense of two people approaching simultaneously a common destination or something like that. It feels a bit more dramatic but as said before, its a matter of personal taste. No right or wrong (I suppose) -:)

Jay West October 16th, 2010 08:20 PM

Depends on the customers. I've had some who want a linear set of highlights. I've had others who want a montage of what the day felt like. Talk to the customer and find out.

Jim Snow October 16th, 2010 08:51 PM

The non linear style allows for more creativity as long as it supports a story line. I have seen some highlights that just seemed to jump around for no apparent reason. I find those to be disjointed and irritating.

When there is an establishing scene that folds back to an earlier point in time, that can be very nice. Interleaving the B&G prep shots gives a sense of harmony and common preparation and anticipation.

I agree this isn't a 'wrong way' or 'right way' issue but it's helpful to hear others' thoughts on this.

Kren Barnes October 17th, 2010 10:09 AM

Hey Jim,

You are right ..it takes practice to effectively present a non-linear edit on a highlight..as for us given that we are big fans of great Filipino videographers Mayad and JMagbanua, we just do not find satisfaction in a linear edit, we save that for the final dvd...just like what Dmitris said its personal preference.

Vertical Video Works | www.verticalvideoworks.com

Paul Mailath October 18th, 2010 01:12 AM

I find I'm mostly driven by the music - if there are natural breaks, thats where I can put some audio for the day, vows,speeches etc - everything else seems to build around that - I guess that means I'm non-linear.

Andrew Brown October 18th, 2010 03:22 AM

We like to interleave the B&G preps as it gives the illusion of things happening at the same time.
If they send each other gifts or notes in the morning it's good to edit it in a way that it looks like they are opening/reading at the same time.

Philip Howells October 20th, 2010 09:23 PM

Jim, we regard the highlights programme as our opportunity to indulge our creative licence so the techniques we use vary. It's also the section where the client has little or no input or control other than choosing the music.

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