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Mark Easton May 31st, 2005 05:50 PM

Wedding Service Editing (not highlights)
Hi. I am currently editing my first 2 camera wedding shoot and was just wondering how 'creative' people get in this segment. My basic idea is to pretty much show the entire service as it was, except for only including small portions of each song, and also editing out any big gaps in service (someone walking up to front to give reading etc).

Could some of you who do a lot of weddings describe what you usually leave in and out. Do you put different music over the procession, have slow-mos or black and white like with a highlight clip, or is it played pretty much straight?


Glen Elliott May 31st, 2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Easton
Hi. I am currently editing my first 2 camera wedding shoot and was just wondering how 'creative' people get in this segment. My basic idea is to pretty much show the entire service as it was, except for only including small portions of each song, and also editing out any big gaps in service (someone walking up to front to give reading etc).

Could some of you who do a lot of weddings describe what you usually leave in and out. Do you put different music over the procession, have slow-mos or black and white like with a highlight clip, or is it played pretty much straight?


It really depends on the client. If it's a Catholic Ceremony with a FULL mass I'll "ask" them if time can be compressed and if there are any sections I can cut to make the ceremony portion more digestable in a sitting. Those things can get quite long- and I never like seeing my clients reach for the ff button.

You'll be suprised at how willing clients are to allow to you to shorten it. Things I often do to cut down time:
- Abbreviate the Processional (but keep bridal march in full)
- Remove readings
- Remove Communion
- Shorten Sermon (very tricky) I try to keep anything that is specific to the client. Like when the officate is talking directly about marriage, family, and relationships. Again- make sure you have a good understanding of where you can go with this by communicating with your client.

K. Forman May 31st, 2005 07:13 PM

Please keep in mind, I do not do weddings if I can avoid them. With that said, I would see if the Bride would like to schedule an afternoon to watch the footage with you. This will serve two purposes- First, she will get to see exactly how long the beast is, and realise nobody would want to relive the whole thing. Second, she would have an idea of what is actually caught on tape, what needs to stay, and what needs to go. Take careful notes.

Again, I am not a wedding pro, so these are just my thoughts on the approach.

Mark Easton June 1st, 2005 05:29 PM

Thanks for the advice.

Ralph Longo June 7th, 2005 10:37 AM

I am basically brand new to this, but I think that there is some benefit to having the whole ceremony. I edit (well try) my crappy camera footage out with my stationary cam and thats all. I also put together an all day montage that I try to keep under 15 min that they can throw in for guests and that (obviosly) has the bare essentials anyway thats my 2 cents I don't know if it's worth it or not. :)

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