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Monday Isa December 7th, 2008 12:13 PM

Recent Event trailer
Had fun filming this job. Lots of obstacles to overcome but what an experience to learn from and enjoy. The young girl enjoyed her day. If you have time, I would love to hear what you think. I use to post videos frequently but very few would comment. I'm giving it one more try.

Click Here



Peter Szilveszter December 7th, 2008 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Monday Isa (Post 974254)
I use to post videos frequently but very few would comment. I'm giving it one more try.

Hehe no kidding I am in the same boat.

For the video It flowed well and some great shots in there. I liked the idea for the beginning and the end with the sunset, would have been cool if the start was a time-lapse as well and the end time-lapse went all the way to dark.

Dave Blackhurst December 7th, 2008 05:46 PM

Monday -
Looked good to me! I know there's a market out where I am for the Quincenera video concept, so particularly interested to see how you are doing it, I know I've seen you mention it several times, and I *think* I've looked at a couple of your videos - sort of one of those things that when it looks good, not much to comment on <wink>!

I guess it's a good thing to post something and it's solid enough there's not much too "critique" - I usually poke enough holes in my own work without assistance, but one of these days I'll get some stuff up!

Tim Harjo December 7th, 2008 06:25 PM

Monday, your work always looks fabulous. This is no exception. What kind of steadycam do you have?

Raphael Jamil Pranga December 8th, 2008 04:20 AM

hey monday! i loved the shot where she shows her face outside the H2's window!

i would agree with peter about the time-lapse

nice flow, great work!

Randy Panado December 8th, 2008 05:01 AM

Very nice video! Nothing to add that hasn't already been said. I'm sure the lucky girl is going to love this. :)

I assume you're using the A1 for this? What preset?

Thanks for sharing!

Art Varga December 8th, 2008 08:04 AM

Hey Isa nice work - not many nits to pick with this. I thought the exposure was a bit low on a couple shots. Lots of vibrant colors to work with. I'll bet the girl felt like a bride - in pink!


Noel Lising December 8th, 2008 09:06 AM

Hey Monday,

Love the glidecam shots, it was tastefully done (not too many). I know there's a market here in Toronto for quinceneras, very similar to debuts (18th Birthday). If I land one, I'll ask you for advice.

Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Peter Szilveszter (Post 974387)
Hehe no kidding I am in the same boat.

For the video It flowed well and some great shots in there. I liked the idea for the beginning and the end with the sunset, would have been cool if the start was a time-lapse as well and the end time-lapse went all the way to dark.

Hey Peter,
Thanks for watching and commenting. Great suggestion on the timelapse for the beginning. I didn't like the idea at all but now hearing your suggestion I can see how it would actually work. I'm going to go change it. Thanks! Also thanks for the new sig quote ^_^


Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Blackhurst (Post 974398)
Monday -
Looked good to me! I know there's a market out where I am for the Quincenera video concept, so particularly interested to see how you are doing it, I know I've seen you mention it several times, and I *think* I've looked at a couple of your videos - sort of one of those things that when it looks good, not much to comment on <wink>!

I guess it's a good thing to post something and it's solid enough there's not much too "critique" - I usually poke enough holes in my own work without assistance, but one of these days I'll get some stuff up!

Thanks Dave. I agree when something is solid not much comments are made. But I had one thread that had no life what so ever. That made me very sad (typing in a joking way). It's just encouraging to know when someone posts even a thanks for sharing comment. Then it feels like you added to the community. Hopefully you get what I'm saying. Thanks again


Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tim Harjo (Post 974408)
Monday, your work always looks fabulous. This is no exception. What kind of steadycam do you have?

Thanks Tim. I have a glidecam 2000 with a lot of weights on it :/ it gets tiring after 2hrs of just holding it.

Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Raphael Jamil Pranga (Post 974535)
hey monday! i loved the shot where she shows her face outside the H2's window!

i would agree with peter about the time-lapse

nice flow, great work!

Hey Raphael! Thanks for commenting. I agree with the time-lapse as well. I think it well add to the piece. Thanks again


Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Randy Panado (Post 974539)
Very nice video! Nothing to add that hasn't already been said. I'm sure the lucky girl is going to love this. :)

I assume you're using the A1 for this? What preset?

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Randy! I'm using the A1 and a tweaked Reality preset. I call it Quince ^_^ I don't remember what I did differently to it but the blacks aren't crushed as much as the preset that was posted on the Canon A1 part of the forum. I don't remember who posted it but I'm thankful they posted it to share.


Originally Posted by Art Varga (Post 974575)
Hey Isa nice work - not many nits to pick with this. I thought the exposure was a bit low on a couple shots. Lots of vibrant colors to work with. I'll bet the girl felt like a bride - in pink!


Thanks Art! The exposure could've been low as the dreaded Canon A1 LCD gets washed out in the sun which wasn't in our favor at all that day. I'll have to correct that in the main edit. These Quinceanera's get mistaken for brides numerous times.


Originally Posted by Noel Lising (Post 974603)
Hey Monday,

Love the glidecam shots, it was tastefully done (not too many). I know there's a market here in Toronto for quinceneras, very similar to debuts (18th Birthday). If I land one, I'll ask you for advice.

Hey Noel,
We did talk about the debuts in your area. If you ever land a quince feel free to drop an email. As long as you can be cool with the teenagers they will love being around you. Have you booked up debuts for next year? Did it slow down at all?

Noel Lising December 8th, 2008 10:23 AM

Hi Monday,

I only shot one debut for this year and It was not even my own, Photographer hired me. I find this year to be slow. I like shooting debuts coz you normally get 3 of the 8 Cotillion members as client after the shoot. Aside from that, the shoot starts at 4 pm and I find it stress free.

Hopefully next season will be better

Ken Gilford December 8th, 2008 11:22 AM

Good Job Monday
Good job with the glides. The only complaint I have is some of the short shots are too short (ie the crown and the shoe). they pop and they are gone. You need a few more frames for them. Good job editing the voiceovers to the video. I like how you don't use the whole scene but you do include the speaker at some point so we know who it is. I'll borrow this idea.

I've done one of these before and it was a lot more fun than a wedding. More relaxing. I'd love to do more of them.

Thanks for sharing!

Monday Isa December 8th, 2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Noel Lising (Post 974657)
Hi Monday,

I only shot one debut for this year and It was not even my own, Photographer hired me. I find this year to be slow. I like shooting debuts coz you normally get 3 of the 8 Cotillion members as client after the shoot. Aside from that, the shoot starts at 4 pm and I find it stress free.

Hopefully next season will be better

Heres hoping it improves. Keep in touch Noel.


Originally Posted by Ken Gilford (Post 974688)
Good job with the glides. The only complaint I have is some of the short shots are too short (ie the crown and the shoe). they pop and they are gone. You need a few more frames for them. Good job editing the voiceovers to the video. I like how you don't use the whole scene but you do include the speaker at some point so we know who it is. I'll borrow this idea.

I've done one of these before and it was a lot more fun than a wedding. More relaxing. I'd love to do more of them.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Ken! Two of my favorite videographers Glen Elliott and Chris Watson both use heavy voice overs to move pieces along. They both show the individual that is talking at least once in the clip. Both are very good story tellers as well. I do agree with you that these quinceaneras are so much fun. So much more relaxing than weddings for me. You should try to get another and post a clip so I'm not the only one posting quinceanera videos ^_^


Jason Robinson December 9th, 2008 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Monday Isa (Post 974643)
Thanks Tim. I have a glidecam 2000 with a lot of weights on it :/ it gets tiring after 2hrs of just holding it.

Wow, I could not do that for 2 hrs with a glidecam (I have the 4000). That is why I slapped on two QR plate & receivers. One on the GC and one on the Beachtec mounted to my multirig. SO I unplug the LANC, the mic, the headphones, and then QR it over to the Glidecam and back when I am done. Still takes a minute or more to transition.

I liked the entire production. Great colors. I did feel that some of the other color tones were missing, but the shooting environment (gym lighting, etc) does not lend itself to a full rich pallet of colors. It seemed like greens were missing (either because no one was wearing that color or otherwise). Very good work in low light (dancing). What cams gave you that good low light?

I loved the very short shot of her face covered in icing. hehehe seems like there is a story behind that shot.

I've had a few price quote requests, and since the event is as complicated as a wedding, though actually requiring even more shooting, I have priced them the same. I have never received and followup communication, so I must assume I have too high of a price.

Monday Isa December 9th, 2008 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jason Robinson (Post 975035)
Wow, I could not do that for 2 hrs with a glidecam (I have the 4000). That is why I slapped on two QR plate & receivers. One on the GC and one on the Beachtec mounted to my multirig. SO I unplug the LANC, the mic, the headphones, and then QR it over to the Glidecam and back when I am done. Still takes a minute or more to transition.

I liked the entire production. Great colors. I did feel that some of the other color tones were missing, but the shooting environment (gym lighting, etc) does not lend itself to a full rich pallet of colors. It seemed like greens were missing (either because no one was wearing that color or otherwise). Very good work in low light (dancing). What cams gave you that good low light?

I loved the very short shot of her face covered in icing. hehehe seems like there is a story behind that shot.

I've had a few price quote requests, and since the event is as complicated as a wedding, though actually requiring even more shooting, I have priced them the same. I have never received and followup communication, so I must assume I have too high of a price.

Hey Jason,

I'm not using my glidecam for the entire 2 hours but I am holding it. It's specifically for the formal picture time which every quinceanera does around here. When at the house church reception it's either hand held, monopod, or tripod. Having a QR for those 3 devices is so relieving as you say, it makes for quick transitions. It was challenging shooting in that gym for the entire party. Especially when they shut off all the lights. It was pitch black in there. So my bag boy used the 50w light on the light stand for the dollar dance and I used the glidecam for that portion as those dances can get pretty funny. I'm shooting with the XHA1 and loving it most of the time. I do wish I had just one more stop of light which isn't there.

These events are fun to film and actually not as complicated as weddings. Your dealing with 1 family (though it's a teenager), and the girl gets all the attention. The only thing which I hate, but no way around this is being on the job 10-12hrs. Around here and I know of other areas you don't get these type of jobs being there for 8hrs or less, unless they have a short day which I have had some jobs like that. Those are the best ones. You're there for 4-8hrs and done. Typically it's not always the case. Not sure about your pricing at all but you'd be shock at how much they pay for video and photos for these gigs. You just got to get into the higher end market. If you start marketing to them you'll get some that will pay your asking price. Thanks for watching and commenting Jason.


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