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Complaints about your logo?
Have you ever had a bride complain about your logo and/or your usage of it within a wedding video?
I have never had anyone complain, but I only use in the menus as a tiny text and at the very end of the video I put my logo. I try to keep it to a minimum
Your logo is on during the entire wedding video??
Is your logo the dog with a sock? If it is, I can see how a wedding customer might misinterpret the logo and find it inappropriate. |
I have to think... that a new bride is really interested in seeing a wonderful production of (at this point) the most important day of her life.
I would fade up from black to a shot of the festivities... the church/location, a bible with flowers... a CU of their hands with the wedding rings showing... anything to establish the beginning of the memories that your video will provide the couple for a lifetime. Anything more than title of the occasion would have to be a distraction... I personally would wait to the end to use any logo... so that would be the last thing any (other) viewers would see, and hopefully the first thing they would remember... especially if they may be in, or know someone who might be in, the market for such a video in the future... My opinion only... don't take anything personally... Good luck...!!! |
Um, I dunno, but my bad/blurry late night vision definitely got a different vibe off the "doggy" logo... use your imagination, but I wasn't seeing a dog... maybe it wasn't intended, but I was expecting a cute warm fuzzy puppy playing with a sock, and that wasn't what I got...
Triumph the insult comic dog (Conan O'Brien) is more ambiguous. Not sure who did the logo, but it's a bit risque if you ask me, and I can see how a bride of genteel sensibilities might take offense. Not sure what you mean by "animation", but it could make the issue better or worse... if you just have a short shot of the logo, it might even make it worse as the mind plays tricks... That's my take, FWIW. If you didn't intend the "double entendre" in the image, my appologies. but I can certainly see the problem. Or am I hallucinating? Anyone else get the same thing?? |
Yea I see it too. That logo can very easily be misinterpreted in an very inappropriate way.
in all fairness to everyone, can you post the animated logo? we are judging from the website picture, and yes, it can be misinterpreted.
We always use our logo at the end of the film and have never heard anything negative from any of our clients. I can't imagine why anyone would complain though - they're used to seeing credits at the end of a film, why should this be any different?
I wouldn't give it a second thought - pop your logo in at the end! :) |
This is not the time to be shy about who you are. I say put your name/logo up there at the beginning. I present mine like a move in that I show my logo/name and then during the music intro, I through it up there again.
OK guys, before commenting, check the link on Adam's post - it goes to the website with the logo in question (or at least I presume that's the logo in question). Not sure if there's additional animation on the logo when on the final product, but I could see it getting worse not better...
Thanks Michael, at least I'm not completely crazy that the logo could easily go the wrong way... I'm hoping that it's an "innocent" thing that no one ever noticed, but I've worked with enough artists in my day to know there's often more to "art" than first meets the eye, and that seems to be the case with the logo in question. I personally wouldn't be comfortable with the "logo" and the connotation that could go with it as drawn. How did Jessica Rabbit put it? I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way... |
If you're focusing soley on wedding, a dog playing with a sock might not be the best logo anyway even without his... umm... posturing. |
We always have our logo at the start and at the end too. Same as our highlight vids.
Normally logo fades up, music starts and logo fades out, similar to how most movies start. I dont like how some movies have about 5 or 6 logos and intros from the various studios, production firms, partners, lottery funding etc. However, all that said. I can see how adams dog logo can be seen in the wrong light. We changed our logo as the slippers used to be a more traditional, old man pair of slippers and the impact has been quite good. I would consider a re-design to make the logo a bit more weddingy. I think you will be amazed at how much of a difference it can make. Part of your brand is how it makes people feel. Brides love those who are called Angels, Everafter, forever together and other things which make them feel like their day is even more magical or makes them feel like their wedding will last forever. Its all about image. How do they feel about the name Mintyslippers? Not sure, I know they find it curious and intresting but unfortunatly GlassSlipper.com was already taken. |
I'm a lady, probably within the marrying age (25) and to be honest, I'd probably be inclined to be into a puppy with a sock as a brand image if it was a cute puppy, like people have mentioned. The logo looks a bit like an adult dog...possibly about to engage in adult activities...but make it like a Golden Retriever or something with a spot, and fuzzy...shaking a sock around...my heart might melt...it may even work as a quick opening and closing logo for a wedding video. Adam, did the bride say specifically what she didn't like about it? Was it the "self-promotion" thing, or that the video is about them, not you, or did she find it suggestive. If it's the latter, I'd honestly act like your innocent mind could never distort the image of a puppy into anything like that ;) And then apologize and take it out if it makes her feel better. We don't put our logo in the video or our name. Or on any of the final packaging really (other than including some business cards) and probably should. We've floated around the idea of adding it to the videos, but are still working out our logo. |
personal preference on all my material (not weddings) is that logos go at the end. I would (if it was my wedding video) like to see nothing but wedding at the start - I'd not be worried about the logo and production credits at the end - after all, I'd probably have switched off by then. Apart from movies, it's rare to see logos at the start. How many TV programmes do you see with the production company visible at the beginning? I too can see how the logo could be seen as out of context.
Mine always appears at the end of any credits. Never had a complaint. You can view mine here: YouTube - MotionOne Studios
I don't put my logo on wedding videos. Seems kind of pointless, I already got their money. My contact info is on the back of the DVD case, but that's more so they know who to call for additional copies, or if someone asks "Who made your video?" People pay me good money, they don't want to see a commercial or a self-serving pat on the back for the editor.
My logo animation can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/playsockfilms .
I didn't make the logo. I had a friend of mine make it for me. It's already printed on my business cards (which have already been distributed), so it's kind of too late for me to change it. I've been using it without a problem for about a year. Nobody has complained or said anything about it until recently, which I find very puzzling.
To be honest, I find the whole thing to be incredibly irritating when I hear somebody bitch about an animated logo (which is only SIX SECONDS LONG) which plays at both the beginning and the very end of a wedding video (which itself can be anywhere between 45 minutes to about 2 hours long). A recent client of mine complained about it (even though the contract - which HE wrote - had clearly and explicitly gave me his permission for it to be there). |
The client is 'always right' - if possible remove the animation from their product. You've got their money, you want their goodwill. Word of mouth is priceless. I'd advise only putting a logo at the end of the piece. And yeah, the position of the dog is rather suggestive. I understand how easy it is to get attached to our logos - since they represent a form of branding and 'corporate identity'. Changing or removing identities is always a form of 'ego death' - and painfull to endure. My suggestion is to have another go at the image, try a different take on it from another illustration angle. Or not. |
Hi Miraj, no logo or promotion at all??? If the client likes their movie they give the disk to all their friends and relatives. Some of our clients have them doing the rounds so we use it as promotion. Our cases are just blank really as its those padded ones, the disk itself has our logo on as does the movie so everyone knows who created it.
I also feel it adds to the production. No complaints, we get cross promotion. |
2) I own a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. He likes to play with rolled up pairs of socks, and sometimes he wants for me to chase him while he's playing with them. Hence, the name of my videography business, "Playsock Films". When he does this, he sticks his ass up in the air (just like other dogs when they want to play), which is why the dog in the logo is in that position. Are all of you suggesting that when my little Jack Russell Terrier is playing with me, and sticks his ass up in the air like that, that he... uh ... wants me to give him a bone? Get your minds out of the gutter, people. That's disgusting! |
I don't think our minds are 'in the gutter.' The reality is that your logo is a dog... with his ass literally in the air.
Now if I'm a chick and have been married for almos 7 weeks and you deliver my beautiful wedding DVD and me and the hubby go to watch it... I don't want the first thing I see to be a dog with his hind quarters saluting the sun. 'Beautiful video! But the dog's rear-end really killed it for me.' I don't think it's appropriate for a *wedding video.* |
I think that's what might be attributing to the raised eyebrows... |
If your client has a problem with you logo - then you have a problem with it. Hence 'the clients always right' -the age old 'customers always correct' addage. IF they have a problem with your product or services -however bizarre or off the wall it might seem - then its worth looking at WHY?
Is it a one-off problem? Does it come up consistently or intermittently? Other people on this board see issues with the logo... so it's not an unusual perception. Your choice is to not conceed to the clients request - and risk bad word of mouth from a disgruntled client. Or conceed in at least one case, and get good word of mouth. Did you post looking for input or re-enforcement? Not a harrangue, just a question. I get the idea that the logo has personal connotations, and signifigance to you PERSONALLY - it has absolutely NONE of those connotations for a client. An 'inside joke' or reference is called inside for a reason. If you want a more easily identifiably 'universal' connection to a playful puppy - I suggest a logo redesign. If you have to explain your logo - then people don't 'get it'. |
Couldnt have said it better myself. |
what I see in the logo at a glance: picture your logo for a second with no tail, fingers at the end of the front paws, and a female face in place of the nose. the ears looks like long hair. maybe even picture some restraints on the front legs/arms..... the body of the dog looks to me like a naked females body. to see it at the beginning of a wedding video could be inappropriate. It might be a perfectly innocent logo, and its being misinterpreted by us perverts. point is, you have unhappy customers. it reminds me of my first email address. I was a new uncle when I signed up, so I called myself uncleallen@aol.com. I saw no problem in the name at all, until about the 20th person told me that at a first glance it looked like "unclean@aol.com". I finally changed the email address to something that can not appear as anything other than what I intended.
I like your logo, I think its really cute. I love dogs, I see them in that pose all the time. that doesn't change what can be seen in a glance. |
Adam... personally i like it and wouldn't change it. If a customer was upset about it I would no doubt make another copy without the logo just because i am to please. That being said, I
only land a few customers a year and I have the time to make such corrections. Other then that I would keep using it. I'm sure they had plenty of opportunities from viewing your business cards, demos, ect to see what your logo looked like. If they didn't like it then, they should have told you. |
I only put my logo printed on the DVD and very small on the cover somewhere. My philosophy is that the video is about the bride and groom and not a place for them and the whole family to see your self promotion. JMHO
The logo is not bad and I don't find it really all that suggestive, that being said, I wouldn't want it on my video either. All this talk about a dog and your last name is Barker, I KID!!!! I KID!!!! |
Adam....The logo's not bad, but would be annoying to see in the beginning of the video. Why are you trying to promote so much to the folks you've already sold? If there is anyone else watching, they'll see the logo at the end, or ask who the videographer was.
Most likely (my guess) they'd say "Playsock!" (Which is totally memorable since is a refreshing relief from names like "Boundless Love Productions" - just googled it, not real...anyone is welcomed to jump on that domain). If they forget your name, they might just pull up your email or correspondence, or give them your card/name/info. Your company's name is very strong and cute! I think a drawing of a Jack Russell and a sock would be much cuter and more endearing! But again, IANA market rep. |
Clarence Walker has left this thread.
A single complaint like you've had is a warning - marketing people reckon that for every person who complains, there are probably at least 10 who didn't like it , but for whatever reason didn't complain. It's your logo, so if you are happy that's fine. Stick it on the start and forget we mentioned it. Trouble is, the customer must always 'think' they are right, even if you think they're wrong. If they don't like what they see, they're not going to recommend you - simple as that. I've done things where I've been asked to remove all branding and credits, and if the client has needs like this, I go with it.
Adam, I love insane small dogs (most think I'm an insane big dog, and I'll play with a sock right with them...), it's just that "doggy" is in a rather odd overall position as others have noted... and anatomically speaking, something else is suggested. Take the Jessica Rabbit quote to heart... it was meant sincerely and thoughtfully...
The danger you run is that even if your logo was totally innocent, and I'm going with you think it is, so that's cool... you've just had a string of people go "WHOA"... and a client with some issues who may have been too genteel to tell you what she thought she saw. Actually the animation was less noticeable. I wouldn't stress the change now, but maybe when it's time to do new cards or whatever, might want another angle - think warm fuzzy puppy face with a sock in his mouth. You've already got one opinion from someone who fits the client profile that that image would be a big plus... Heck, what about getting a short clip of your Jack doing what they do so well and use that rather than the logo! Who could resist that!? Really hope you didn't take any offense, I don't think anyone was curb diving here, but when a bunch of people see the same thing... it could be a sign. I seem to remember that GM had troubles selling the Nova in latin countries until someone mentioned that it could be translated "NO GO" in Spanish... If you have an image issue, wiser to consider changing it for the better when it comes to your attention. As far as having a logo/badging in general, every DVD you buy has tons of them, what's the objection? |
I just looked at the logo.
I see the words "PLAYS COCK" and a dog in a sexually submissive pose. Looks like the start of a german porno if you ask me. Doesn't make me think of a wedding video production at all. |
Maybe you were just kidding when you wrote that, John... but if you were, then I'm sorry but I didn't find it very amusing. |
I know that, but it LOOKED like "PLAYS COCK" at a glance initially. Only after I watched it a couple of times did I work it out.
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