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Darren Smith October 2nd, 2008 03:57 PM

broadcast/production monitors
I just finished editing a wedding and discovered that what looks good on the computer lcd, does not necessarily look that great on a standard TV colours too dark etc etc. (it was an outside night wedding, which didn't really help)

Can anyone offer any suggestions for half decent broadcast/production monitors - what are you using???


Tim Harjo October 2nd, 2008 08:39 PM

As I'm sure you know by now, everyone's tv is different. One thing I always try to remember in post is making sure the faces can clearly be seen. I keep in mind that some TV's will be darker. I keep this in mind when I am shooting too.

If you have lowered your black level, you might start by backing off of that a bit.

Darren Smith October 2nd, 2008 08:43 PM

Cheers Tim

I understand your point, perhaps I should use my scopes a bit more to get a better reference, I guess that's what I'm looking for, I understand TV's are different, but we must be able to reference our images at some point, is this scopes or monitor or both???


Asvaldur Kristjansson October 3rd, 2008 06:37 AM

production monitors
I have used my tv as a reference. I adjust the color, brightness and contrast with the test bar from a camera and test that while the news or any good broadcast is on. I also use the scope to make sure the black and white is within limits. The black level is importante so not to crush it down under zero. It might look good on the lcd screen but you will risk of loosing the detail in the darker part of the image.

Darren Smith October 3rd, 2008 06:52 PM

Thanks Asvaldur

I might have a crack at hooking up the TV thru the video camera via firewire see if can get a reference that way as well.


Peter Manojlovic October 3rd, 2008 09:01 PM

Look into a Broadcast monitor like the Sony series BVM***, or the Panasonic BTH1350y..

They show the true result of flicker, and interlace that's apparent with filming DV. (assuming you're taping DV)..
It's a matter of hooking up a DV device from your NLE to the monitor, and you'll see proper playback..
Look to pay anywhere from $250 to $500 US for a decent monitor..

Never trust the LCD...

Darren Smith October 4th, 2008 03:33 PM

Thanks Peter

I'm actually shooting HDV (Canon XH-A1) - I assume the same would still apply - let the DV device do the downconvert - is that correct? I appreciate your suggestions. Very true about the LCD (aarrrggghhhh!!!!!)


Tim Harjo October 4th, 2008 04:13 PM

This is why I don't buy into 'getting the perfect playback monitor' You can research for days, weeks, months trying to get the perfect this or that and in the end you still will have someone say that it was either too dark, or it was fuzzy, or whatever. My advice truly is to get good at guesstimating, look at it on a couple different TV's in your house and go from there. You will see that after a while you won't need a special TV. The ones you already have will do just fine. Of course, if you only have 1 tv, then go get a cheap one. Just my advice... :)

Darren Smith October 4th, 2008 06:24 PM

Hey Tim

I am one of those rare households that only has one TV, so might pick up a second on the cheap, all being said I am using PPro CS3 - can anyone tell me how to hook up the TV thru the camera via firewire (specifically) to act as a monitor, only option from camera to TV is composite. Also using Cineform Aspect HD.


Peter Manojlovic October 6th, 2008 10:25 AM

Are you recording, and playing back HDV?
Sorry, as far as HDV goes, i don't think you'll get realtime downconversion with a DV device for playback..

From my limited knowledge of HDV, you'll need either a Blackmagic, or AJA Xena card to get proper feedback on a Tuner TV in SD or HD.

If colour information is of the upmost importance you're price range for a good quality tube monitor jumps up quite a bit..

Darren Smith October 6th, 2008 03:47 PM

Thanks Peter

My knowledgebase is very limited from a technical viewpoint, am definately HDV capture and edit, will look at the options, if only I had one of those rare trees who's fruit is $100 bills I'd be laughin'.

Thanks for all your response everyone - cheers


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