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Wayne Greensill January 27th, 2008 06:01 PM

Old Movie Effect
Hi there,

Can anyone help me out with the best settings to make an old movie type effect, for e.g the picture flickiering slightly, streaks and noise being added.

I'm using the Matrox RtX 2 with PP2 but i cant seem to get the right look using the matrox.

Has anyone got any idea of the best settings to use with the Matrox?

If you could get back to me I would appreciate.


John Moon January 27th, 2008 06:11 PM

Not sure if you are using FCP but if you are, here is a plugin you might want to look at: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macos...gedfilmle.html


Wayne Greensill January 27th, 2008 06:23 PM

Thanks John for your quick response.

Unfortunatly i us After effects, well I try to use, lol, with windows xp pro.

But thanks for your help, appreciated.


Robert Bec January 27th, 2008 08:43 PM

doesnt the rtx-2 have the old movie effect built in i am sure they do from memory.

What i think would really suite you is magicbullet suite it has great old movie effects
check them out


Vito DeFilippo January 27th, 2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Greensill (Post 815504)
I'm using the Matrox RtX 2 with PP2 but i cant seem to get the right look using the matrox.

I used to work with the RTX100, and I agree that the old movie effect didn't look good. It looked more like an overlay than something that was affecting the footage itself.

I would look at other effects outside of the Matrox list. Does PP come with its own old movie plugin?

Do a Google search for "after effects old movie tutorial" and you'll get some help.

Stephen J. Williams January 27th, 2008 09:48 PM

i did a search for a 8mm film clip and found one under Flashden... add that into your timeline and select multiply under the composite mode... then adjust the brightness and contrast and that gives a pretty good old film effect.

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