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Vito DeFilippo September 18th, 2007 09:55 PM

Sopranos spoof wedding intro
Hey all,

A client asked for this, so I set it up, shot and edited it. Thought you might get a kick out of it. Any feedback welcome as always.

For you non-Canadians, the Tim Horton's sign you see at one point is a big donut chain up here.


Watch your backs!


Dana Salsbury September 18th, 2007 10:01 PM

I liked it. A little long, but I liked it.

Travis Cossel September 18th, 2007 10:03 PM

I've never watched the Sopranos, but that was pretty cool. I'm not sure how that intro leads into the rest of the video, though. Must be an interesting video to edit.

Vito DeFilippo September 18th, 2007 10:10 PM


I liked it. A little long, but I liked it.
Thanks, Dana. It's actually the same length as the real Sopranos opener. I suppose it doesn't have to be, though. I could always shorten it.


I've never watched the Sopranos
Travis. Catch it if you get a chance (you will. It will be in syndication forever). It's a great show.


I'm not sure how that intro leads into the rest of the video, though.
You're not the only one. I haven't got that far yet...

Thanks for checking it out.

Jason Robinson September 19th, 2007 03:58 PM

Mirrored footage?
Looks like you mirrored footage in a few places because the driver is on one side of the car in one shot, and then the other side in another. Or am I missing something?

Vito DeFilippo September 19th, 2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jason Robinson (Post 746940)
Looks like you mirrored footage in a few places because the driver is on one side of the car in one shot, and then the other side in another. Or am I missing something?

Man, you get the prize for seeing that. I was convinced no one would notice! I flipped a few shots because I wanted the flow to continue in the same direction Though, I didn't stay consistent with that...

Jason Robinson September 20th, 2007 06:16 PM

Only Editor's or Film Geeks Will Notice :-)

Originally Posted by Vito DeFilippo (Post 747073)
Man, you get the prize for seeing that. I was convinced no one would notice! I flipped a few shots because I wanted the flow to continue in the same direction Though, I didn't stay consistent with that...

I should say that it took me 3 or so times watching those sections before I could put m finger on what was different with the shot. I kept thinking, where is the camera now and then it dawned on me. It is hard to notice and anyone personally involved with the subject (relative, etc) will not notice because they aren't critiquing the editing, the are watching their friend.

Vito DeFilippo September 20th, 2007 06:50 PM

You're right about the editors and geeks. I was amazed you picked it up.

I had to do all my shots in about 30 minutes in an area I had never been in, deepest suburbia, so I was happy just to have the material. The photog was back at the groom's house waiting to start his own shots.

Me (fingers crossed): "By the way, is there a coffee or donut shop close by."
Groom: "Why yes, there's a Tim Horton's around the corner.
Me: sigh of relief.

It was later when I was cutting that I realized the motion wouldn't match well, so I flipped the shots.

Thanks for having the patience to sit through it a bit. Nothing like a bit of a puzzle to get you going...

Allister Gourlay September 21st, 2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Vito DeFilippo (Post 746469)
Watch your backs!

brilliant...very well produced.... great fun!

Jordan Berry September 21st, 2007 05:47 AM

Great work, has a nice feel to it. I would cut it a little shorter though.

Vito DeFilippo September 21st, 2007 10:07 AM

Thanks for the great feedback, you guys!

Miguel Avila September 22nd, 2007 05:31 PM

Yeah, I would have to agree with a couple of people, it's long. There's just too much cigar smoking going on, and I did notice the mirror effect on the driver, it's those kind of details that will make it look cheesy, imo. The idea is very well put together, I've never seen the Sopranos, but I liked what I saw here. Thanks for sharing your work.

Vito DeFilippo September 23rd, 2007 12:04 AM

Can't believe you guys haven't seen the sopranos.

Anyway, you have to understand that my video is a spoof of the real opening, which you can see here:


Now, there's some cigar smokin'!

Thanks for checking it out, and for the feedback.

Alan Doheny September 23rd, 2007 06:59 AM

Brilliant, loved it!! Groom is obviously a Soprano fan, I just hope that his wife is too!! BTW, I agree with previous comments, nobody will notice the flip at all, it's so well done, they will just appreciate it for the great work that it is!

Alan Waters September 23rd, 2007 10:24 AM

Thats very well done.

I am a huge Sopranos fan so I get it.
Only thing I woulda done differently is do closeups of his face not revealing his full profile until the very end like the real thing.

And I would have got the final shot head on just like the real thing too.
If he had been told to look like he was rushing to get home it woulda played into the mood of Tony in the Intro as well cause the shot of his face as he gets out of the car is priceless.

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