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Adam Hoggatt August 29th, 2007 12:24 PM

Newest Highlights vid
I've been working to improve my videos; Specifically the color work and transitions. I'm very happy with the results as I refine my technique. What do you think?

Select "Wedding Highlights" under "---2007---" in the drop down menu.

Monday Isa August 29th, 2007 12:39 PM

Hey Adam very nice job. The beginning part of the edit right before the flash to B/W of the ring shot had me totally into the film. I didn't notice a single transition you did, can't go back to view the second time right now. Also great rack focus on the bouquet toss. Great camera handling, smooth shooting with your stabilizer, thought the times were you faded to black and left it black a few seconds was dead space but your going for a certain feel. Over all nice job and thanks for sharing. Take Care


Adam Hoggatt August 29th, 2007 12:47 PM


Also great rack focus on the bouquet toss.
Thanks! That was actually done in post. I've done that shot before but had a hard time getting good depth of field so I stacked the clip on itself and split the screen, blurred one layer, then moved the blur to the other layer. You can tell if you look closely but it's convincing enough.

Jon Anderson August 29th, 2007 01:37 PM


Very nice. Smooth as butter.

Also: Really LOVE your logo. Great idea integrating the infinity sign with your name. It's perfect.

Thanks for sharing.

John Moon August 29th, 2007 03:23 PM

I liked it. Interesting wedding theme. We filmed a wedding out your way at the Garden of The Gods. We love the Springs.
Great work.

Janice DeMille August 30th, 2007 06:17 AM

Hi Adam, very nice highlight. Great job. I've heard the music used in a lot of videos. What is the name of it?


Adam Hoggatt August 30th, 2007 07:49 AM

It's called "Now We Are Free" from the Gladiator soundtrack.

Jason Robinson August 30th, 2007 09:51 AM

OT - Project Nehemiah

Originally Posted by Adam Hoggatt (Post 736372)
I've been working to improve my videos; Specifically the color work and transitions. I'm very happy with the results as I refine my technique. What do you think?

Select "Wedding Highlights" under "---2007---" in the drop down menu.

Loved the footage you put together for Project Nehemiah. I've been a fan of that show for years and even got to see them do a home right here in Idaho this summer. If a TV network can do this, then how much more so should our churches.


Adam Hoggatt August 30th, 2007 09:57 AM

Thanks Jason. That project was alot of fun. Extreme Makeover did a house about 5 minutes from me last year. That was fun to watch as well.

Ken Gilford August 30th, 2007 11:04 AM

Wow...I would love to do a wedding like that. Good shot selection...you captured quite a few intimate moments and used the glide cam and slo mo well. Thanks for sharing.

Paul J Carey August 30th, 2007 12:16 PM

Wow, that wedding looked like a geek-fest... wish I could of been there.

Adam Hoggatt August 30th, 2007 05:50 PM

It was pretty cool. I was amazed at how many guests came in costume. I felt like I should be wearing tights or something.

Vito DeFilippo August 30th, 2007 06:46 PM


Great work. Nice compositions, camera movement, and editing. I enjoyed it very much.

A few comments (as always). A lot of your shots are underexposed to my liking (like the three boys carrying candles. I can't see their faces). Unless it's my monitor being badly adjusted.

I would have adjusted the speed of the bride and groom walking down the 'aisle' to make their steps match the beat of the music. It's a beautiful shot, though.

After the bride goes by on the horse, you go to a shot of something that seems to be there to show that you can rack focus. But it doesn't work for me, cause I can't tell what it is. I looked three times.

The longer fade to black worked for me, except the shot that follows is too short to be effective. It was gone before I could figure it out.

The spinning bell is brilliant.

You tell to frame a bit low sometimes for my taste. Great example is the bride and groom dancing while you go around. But maybe it's just difficult with the stabilizer, I don't know.

The shot her pulling up and dropping her dress, then you crane up to see them all dancing is absolutely gorgeous.

The music transition after the bouquet toss is awkward.

Amazingly, I got so sucked into the costumes and the medieval look, that the kids dancing in modern clothes looked weird. And the limo at the end doesn't fit at all for the same reason, even though it's a great shot. I would end with the shot of them walking through the raised swords.

Damn, you were lucky to get a wedding like that. What an opportunity to get some completely unique footage. I mean, a bride in a white dress getting on a horse!

Great work. Nice demo material.

Adam Hoggatt August 30th, 2007 08:34 PM

Vito, thanks for the feedback. It is greatly appreciated!


A lot of your shots are underexposed to my liking (like the three boys carrying candles. I can't see their faces). Unless it's my monitor being badly adjusted.
It looks fine on my monitor but thanks for letting me know. I want to be sure others can view it properly on their monitors as well.


After the bride goes by on the horse, you go to a shot of something that seems to be there to show that you can rack focus. But it doesn't work for me, cause I can't tell what it is. I looked three times.
That was the champagne glasses (at the right). True that you can't really tell that but the bride and groom will know so I'm ok with it.


The longer fade to black worked for me, except the shot that follows is too short to be effective. It was gone before I could figure it out.
Which shot do you mean?


You tell to frame a bit low sometimes for my taste. Great example is the bride and groom dancing while you go around.
We'll have to disagree on that point. I actually think that's framed perfectly. Their faces were not intended as the focal point of the shot. I think it accurately implies closeness between them in their dancing. This is not how I would frame a typical shot, but for this shot, I think it's perfect.


And the limo at the end doesn't fit at all for the same reason, even though it's a great shot. I would end with the shot of them walking through the raised swords.
That's a good point. I may have thought of that at the time if it weren't for the fact that the MOB was very adamant about the footage of the limo exit being included (photographer left before that point) so it never occurred to me to leave that out of the highlights.


Damn, you were lucky to get a wedding like that. What an opportunity to get some completely unique footage. I mean, a bride in a white dress getting on a horse!
When I found out they were using the horses I was so excited. Not many opportunities like that for sure. I also didn't expect so many guests to be in costume.

Thanks again for the feedback. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees without an outside opinion.

Vito DeFilippo August 30th, 2007 08:39 PM

It was a pleasure. I'm very glad you posted it.

David Mathew Bonner September 4th, 2007 10:02 PM

nice work , cool wedding

Warren Kawamoto September 5th, 2007 03:18 AM

Good editing, great color work, but there were too many chopped off heads, in my opinion. A slow tilt upwards would have perfected those shots.

Steven Davis September 5th, 2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Adam Hoggatt (Post 736372)
I've been working to improve my videos; Specifically the color work and transitions. I'm very happy with the results as I refine my technique. What do you think?

Select "Wedding Highlights" under "---2007---" in the drop down menu.

Hey Adam, I watched the video of the Knights and such. I was glad to see there was no public decapitating. Good stuff, I liked it.

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