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Sean Seah March 29th, 2010 05:47 PM

Singapore IMAGINE Video
Mark + Charmaine // The FLIGHT Firewerkz Films Singapore

Our first attempt at the now famous Papercrane's IMAGINE. Only we modified the concept a little to have the Pre Wed love story integrated with the SDE. Our weddings are a little different that we have 5-6hours gap between the gatecrashing activities till the solemnization and wedding dinner.

In this case, we had a 4.5hr gap time spilt into 2.

5D2 + 7D + Loads of lens
Kessler Crane + Merlin + Bogen Car Mount + Zacuto stuff

Dimitris Mantalias March 30th, 2010 01:06 PM

You have created a beautiful and positive mood in your video Sean. I especially liked the cinematic color grading (although some may say it's too extreme in places, I like it) and the glidetrack shots. Only thing that I think it should be better is the audio quality during the conversations (did you use the onboard mics?) but I didn't mind it that much, since dialogue is not that often. All in all, I enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!

Sean Seah March 30th, 2010 08:58 PM

Thanks Dimitris. I agree the audio could have been better! I used the onboard mics at certain times as I was shooting alone mainly. Will work on it the next time.

Susanto Widjaja March 31st, 2010 05:07 AM

its nice to see the concept done from a different perspective! well done Sean!

thanks for the credit :P

Sean Seah March 31st, 2010 10:01 AM

Thanks buddy! so "IMAGINE" is going to be something like "SDE" =p

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