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John De Rienzo December 12th, 2009 04:58 PM

Dan & Maria - The Italian Wedding
Hi, This is one of our short form edits we have put up for our clients.

I don't expect you to view it all!, but comments appreciated on what you do watch.


Dimitris Mantalias December 13th, 2009 05:07 AM

I watched all of this for two reasons: First, because I am especially interested in short form edits and second, because I think that it's not fair for any video to be reviewed without being watched in its entirety. Saying that, I think is that it worked very well for me. I managed to understand by watching 12 minutes of footage, what the wedding was all about in both emotional and technical levels and feel the vibe of the day. That's exactly what is needed for a short form edit (although I haven't done one myself yet so my opinion may not be so important :) )! The narrative is very well-done and the quick-cut editing give a nice pace to the whole film that doesn't let you go, and although that kind of editing is not everyone's cup of tea, I think it really works great with your footage. If there is one thing that I thought it didn't fit, was the strange "ToonIt" effect to the band at around 9:45. Without saying that I am right and you are wrong about this one, I think it would be better if you left it as the rest of the video. Other than that, I really-really enjoyed every aspect of your film (and I want to confess that I always wish to be in a British wedding one day, they always seem extra funny)!

Thank you for sharing it with us John!

John De Rienzo December 13th, 2009 07:55 AM

Hi Dimitris.

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to not only view it, but view it all! I know how difficult this can be.....

Totally agree about the toonit inclusion. Not sure why I did that! but I did want to make it upbeat and fun, so hopefully I achieved this!

With so many different ways to edit a wedding I do prefer upbeat, but like anything, am also happy with slower edits and longer shots etc. I think it's good to vary to keep our own minds alert and interested! plus I do have a slight rebellious side that comes out in my more upbeat edits...lol....

Thank you again.


John De Rienzo.

Peter Ralph December 13th, 2009 11:12 AM

Beautiful work John. Do the couple also get a longer edit? What all is on the DVD?

Stelios Christofides December 13th, 2009 12:29 PM

I also enjoyed watching this Italian wedding. Eccellentissimo! I suppose you also hand over to the couple the whole event. How long would that be John? What camera did you use?


John De Rienzo December 14th, 2009 06:12 AM

Hi Peter & Stelios.

We have ony recently started to offer this and we like to keep the short form down to no longer than 15-20 minutes!

Most would choose this as an additional option to the main wedding.

Our main weddings vary considerably depending on the couple,event. We tend to find the Italian weddings end up with longer main edits. There always seems to be so much more going on!

Our shortest main edit is generally for a civil ceremony wedding and is about 45 minutes to and an hour. Our longest ever edit was two hours! after condensing the ceremony down which was 1hr 30min and speeches down which were originally 1hr30min!

We are trying to convince couples, especially of Italian origin that less is more, but some have been bought up on 4 hour epics with pan pipe music playing in the background. They still think this is normal.

The cameras used were an FX1, FX7, and jvc hm100.

Hope that helps.


John De Rienzo

Peter Ralph December 14th, 2009 01:44 PM

so in this case what was on the DVD?

John De Rienzo December 19th, 2009 11:18 AM

Hi Peter,

They had the full version + this version, an outtakes disc, and two further discs with full ceremony and speeches!( A 5 Disc compilation set) and they paid extremely well!


Charlie Branham December 20th, 2009 09:17 AM

At first it seemed like a car video, just kidding! If I had a car that nice I certainly have it in there. How do achieve so great colors with your cameras? I have the fx7, and z1. Is it in post and can I ask what you use. It was a great film and I wish more people would choose the short version as well. It makes the overall product much more enjoyable to watch. Great Job!!!!!

John De Rienzo December 23rd, 2009 06:19 AM

Hi Charlie.

Whilst I am no expert with MB looks, I now just use mainly curves as a starting point as opposed to the generic filter looks provided which I used to use.

Still a learning process, but with all things, perseverance will get you there.


Oleg Kalyan December 23rd, 2009 06:58 PM

I thought it had great production value, locations, very dynamic pacing, interviews well done, the people were open.
Good job, love Italy!

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