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Cory Moorehead March 19th, 2004 08:56 PM

Going Crazy....External Correction Monitor...AHH
Hey guys. Im in a bind right now. I have just bought a 13" Flatscreen TV so I can use it to preview my projects. Now, I have no clue in my mind how to set it up so my PC will output the video to the screen. Do I need a certain card or something ? Can I pass it through my camcorder ? Im using Vegas 4.0 and I connected the firewire to my camcorder then I went and chose "Preview On External Monitor" then selected the firewire device. It would not play on the camcorder though. This is really important though. Please can someone walk me through this. Thanks !!!

Cory Moorehead March 20th, 2004 02:57 PM

Bump. Please someone help me...

Phil French March 20th, 2004 04:49 PM

Plug your monitor into your camcorder.

Tim Le March 20th, 2004 04:57 PM

Pass it through your camcorder. Connect a firewire cable from your camcorder to your computer. Then connect an S-video cable between the camcorder and your monitor and you're in business.

Roman Shafro March 20th, 2004 05:01 PM

1. Connect firewire from PC to camcorder.
2. Connect camcorder output to TV.
3. Remove the cassette & set camcorder to VCR.
4. Start Vegas. It should find your camcorder.
5. Preview on external monitor.

Just like Phil said, with a bit more detail. Sounds like you could use some detail ;) Good luck!

Cory Moorehead March 20th, 2004 05:03 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Tim N Le : Pass it through your camcorder. Connect a firewire cable from your camcorder to your computer. Then connect an S-video cable between the camcorder and your monitor and you're in business. -->>>

I have the ZR60 and when I play the preview and everything is connected I only get a black screen...

I dont think the ZR60 allows input through firewire in the camcorder...

Tim Le March 20th, 2004 05:22 PM

That might be the problem. Certain camcorders don't support firewire pass-through. Did you set your camcorder to VTR (but don't put a tape in there)? I guess your only other option is get a DV-to-analog converter box, such as the Canopus ADVC-100.

Phil French March 20th, 2004 05:46 PM

I have an XL1s, but it seems to me that I read that some people use ZR's for editing to save wear and tear on their fancier camcorders. That would indicate, to me, that it should work.

Roman Shafro March 20th, 2004 06:14 PM

I'm not familiar with your camcorder, but unless it's a European model, you should have no problem. Some North American models have problems with analog pass-through, but you're doing the opposite. Bottom line: it should work.

Cory Moorehead March 20th, 2004 08:31 PM

I figured it out. Well the first thing I was doing wrong is in the cameraa it was set to " AV -> DV" ...which wont work. So I switched it to DV IN...which is obvious. Then it still wouldnt work in Vegas so I tried it in Ulead Studio 7 and it works PERFECT. I just go to preview and it says " Previewing to DV Camera" then I connect the AV Cables and its on the TV screen. Im very content now. Thanks everyone for all your support and help, it was appreciated greatly.

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