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-   -   UWOL #2- "Wreck Creation" by Ruth Happel (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/uwol-challenge/89752-uwol-2-wreck-creation-ruth-happel.html)

Chris Barcellos March 26th, 2007 09:32 AM

Not sure if Coca Cola is mad at you, or loves you for this one.... Must have been lots of fun doing voice overs with the footage you had.... Enjoyable to watch. I try to watch these films with my wife, because she is less involved in technical aspects, and she always likes dog stories !!

Ruth Happel March 26th, 2007 10:10 AM


I hope Coke views it as free advertising! At least no harm was done, thanks to brave Fluffy.

The audio was fun, trying to match my dog's moods with different phrases. As in the last video for UWOL, I find myself drawn to voicing the natural world- first bushes and now a dog. I guess I'm slowly working my way up to more complex dialogue....


Catherine Russell March 26th, 2007 10:50 AM

Hi Ruth:

Great play on theme. I think you and I are of a kindred spirit when it comes to incorporating our beloved pets and family into the fun!

And also thanks for the message, all delivered in a fun, creative way.

A few times I had difficulty deciphering the narration, but all in all a great piece.

Cat Russell
Spike Productions

Trond Saetre March 26th, 2007 10:54 AM

As your uwol1 video, I really like this one too.
How you make the animals and trees to "talk" is impressive.
I like how you include a message in your video.

Ruth Happel March 26th, 2007 11:33 AM

Hi Cat,

When I watched your video, it seemed we were both in the same spirit on this challenge. I like to have some humor, but also a serious message- not always easy to combine the two. I'm coming from an audio background where I had a lot more dynamic range to work with, not generally including narration, so that is something I need to figure out- always something to learn.

Glad you enjoyed it.


Ruth Happel March 26th, 2007 11:34 AM


I guess there is a theme to my videos here on UWOL so far. Really, my dog rarely talks to me :)

Glad you enjoyed it, I like to have a message, but also have fun.


Gordon Hoffman March 28th, 2007 07:26 AM

Now I’m sure my cat is snickering behind my back! I like how you get everyone involved. Good job.

Gordon Hoffman

Ruth Happel March 28th, 2007 11:21 AM

Per- The secret to my dog "hitting his mark" was a treat. I put one just past the camera, so he trotted by ignoring me. It took a few takes, but finally the motivation of food won out.

Gordon- That's who I'm leaving out of the videos- my cat! But I think she would take over the project- either that or nap through production.


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