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Trond Saetre October 9th, 2009 11:49 AM

Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #15
You all know what to do in here guys and girls.

Post what is going well, what is not going as perfectly as planned...
(A plan only lasts until the second you execute it, right)

Rule #11 should be strictly followed at all times!! :)

Sam Mendolia October 9th, 2009 01:16 PM

I'm wondering what the topic will be, as the weather outside is getting to be very wet, around here!

Trond Saetre October 9th, 2009 01:42 PM

Only getting to be wet?
Here we had 3 days without rain in September, and so far it seems October won't be much better.
Maybe the topic could be "the kingdom of the soaking wet animals"?
Now, where do I find a wolf with gills? (That would be quite a view, by the way)

Dale Guthormsen October 9th, 2009 07:37 PM

Good evening,

Well, I know exactly what I am doing, my favorite water spot.

We had 60 to 80 kn/hr winds today, snowing lightly most the day.

I headed out at 8:30 this morning and returned at 3:30

first blunder: I shot a pile of footage not noticing that I had the camera on a gain of 18 decibles!!! it was dark out but not that dark!!! I had been running some tests as I sat around in the house crippled up last week, smart move, eh??

sheila, my wife, says i need a check list!! I think she may be right!!

I am capturing an hours worth of footage right now but I do not think I will have anything useful.

Going out tomarrow for a second effort!! Hope I do better.

Trond Saetre October 12th, 2009 03:26 AM

Out to do the first filming this afternoon. We even got sunshine here today, as a nice and most welcome change.
Have the plan for my in details already.

Now I just need my chosen animals to cooperate, as they are very hard to spot.
But this is a challenge, right.

Ryan Farnes October 13th, 2009 12:45 AM

Went out scouting today in the state park near my neighborhood. Things look good. Spotted a red fox, osprey, several white tail deer, more squirrels and chipmunks than I bothered to count, and a beaver.

Jonathan Betz October 13th, 2009 04:48 AM

This is my first UWOL challenge so I'm quite excited. It looks like rain all day today in New Hampshire, but tomorrow looks nice so I hope to get out and start filming tomorrow morning.

Trond Saetre October 13th, 2009 05:26 AM

Been out in the forest for hours the last two days, trying to find the stars for my video.
Bad luck. Didn't see a single living creature. Not even a bird. Strange.

Dale Guthormsen October 13th, 2009 10:17 AM


Well, they must have seen you coming!!!

Only thing worse is I spent a few hours shooting the other day and not a minute of useable footage, All my own stupid fault!!

With the last week all freezing and snowing weather my migrant subjects have been moving out in hordes.

May not happen, at least how I planned!!

Good luck on the next go.

Trond Saetre October 13th, 2009 10:25 AM

Dale, you are probably right.
Didn't really help me to have a 12 m/s wind coming the wrong way either.
But it was nice trips in the forest, so rule nr 11 was more or less followed anyway. :)
(Have to look at it from the bright side, right)
Good luck for your next attempt too.

Rich Ryan October 13th, 2009 10:32 AM

Well at least you are managing to get out and shoot.

With any luck I'll be able to get out this weekend. I hope the weather and my selected "critters" cooperate.

Chris Swanberg October 13th, 2009 05:28 PM

Well, I came to Montana for a different purpose, but while I was here I thought i would see what I might "scare up" for UWOL 15. In my mind I was thinking Elk, at least. Bad Karma. I have been out for hours each day, and no Elk. Nary a one. It is bow hunting season so maybe they are laying low, and Big Game season opens soon (during which *I* lay low too!)

I managed some fun shots of Antelope, more white-tail deer than I can count and some bison. Ended up playing cat and mouse with a Golden eagle and lost. Last night we spotted a handsome little fox but by the time I could get the camera he was long gone. I wonder if wildlife videographers are like fishermen - "the one that got away".

I have more appreciation for Dale's world after this trip as well... has been cold here in Montana.

I have one more day to find my Elk.... I may go out this evening for a bit.


Victor Wilcox October 14th, 2009 01:37 PM

Man, am I jealous. I’ve been stuck behind a desk all week. We keep getting heavy rain predictions so I’ve been leaving my rig at home, so it follows that the sun’s been out every day. This weekend is predicted to be cool, and sunny, so now I wonder if I’ll get rained out. The only thing you can predict about east Texas weather is that is will change.

Mike Sims October 14th, 2009 02:51 PM

South Texas also. Now that the long drought has finally broke I’ve traded dust above my ankles for mud up to my knees! It keeps life interesting.

Mike Beckett October 15th, 2009 01:39 AM

Same here... not much in the way of animals at the moment, and the weather is grey and dark. I think they're all hibernating.

Plus I'm sporting an elbow injury which makes carrying my camera gear something of a challenge.

This is going to be fun!

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