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Rich Ryan October 19th, 2009 06:09 PM

Well, good news and bad news. It was supposed to be raining today and it turned out to be a beautiful sunny morning - the weather held until mid-afternoon! Of course, I did manage to get sunburned.

I was planning on building my entry around two very different specifies. One is migratory and they are not here yet, but at least I managed to get plenty of video of the second one.

Unless I can come up with a second candidate, it looks like a change in the storyline is going to be in order. Still some time to find a second star for my entry, but if all else fails I can put something together with what I have.

Dale Guthormsen October 19th, 2009 08:21 PM

Good evening,

Looks like everyone is adhering to rule 11!!! souns like most of the wildlife is laying low.

I was all revved up this morning to go out for a couple hours. went outside and found it fogged in, Uggg.

I dug out the rain jacket for the camera and went anyway.

I got my It was a totally low contrast shoot. Main subject, snow geese in the fog!!!

I did manage to capture a feeding circle of shovellers!! that was the score of the morning.

I got some fine audio if I need it at some point. and I think I got a ghost goose.

here is a look

Trond Saetre October 20th, 2009 12:59 PM

Finally, on Sunday I was out for 6 hours and did all the filming for my entry.
The only "bad" part was that I had to do everything handheld. But I think it turned out good anyway.
Both me and all my subjects, well maybe not the prey, stricktly followed rule 11 at all time.
And today I did the rough cut. Still much work left, but I am getting there.

Dale Guthormsen October 20th, 2009 02:59 PM

Still having some trouble getting quality footage. here is a sample of this mornings effort. I hope to get better footage yet!!

Mike Beckett October 21st, 2009 01:41 AM

I'm hoping to get some time off on Friday and make another filming trip... I need some sound (!) and I need to get something a bit less "dots in the distance" of my wildlife. Fingers crossed that it doesn't rain for me - it's the only rain-free day forecast this week.

I now have a script too, which helps!

Dale - love the circle feeding! Oh, and your last video is locked, so we can't see your efforts!

Ryan Farnes October 21st, 2009 08:53 PM

I am seeing animals every time I go out. Wish I could share some with those struggling....if you're interested in the standard animal fare of whitetail deer, Canada geese, turtles, mallard ducks, eastern gray squirrels & eastern chipmunks. Got my tripod today and shot some sweet 60fps of Geese landing and a bat flying around.


Dale Guthormsen October 21st, 2009 09:18 PM

It is unlocked, Daaaaa!

Jonathan Betz October 22nd, 2009 06:50 PM

It's my first UWOL challenge, but unfortunately I'm not going to be able to finish my video. After 3 days of filming with little luck at the Audubon center, I don't have enough footage for my planned video (like others, I've found the wildlife difficult to find), and since I'm leaving for California on Sunday morning, I don't have the time to come up with anything new.

I did have a great time going out to film for this project, and so I guess I was able to follow rule 11. I am disappointed, however, since I really didn't want it to end this way. Oh well, I guess I'll have to try again another time.

Good luck to everyone still working. I can't wait to see all the finished submissions.

Chris Swanberg October 22nd, 2009 07:27 PM

Jon... sorry to hear, but as is ever the case, life often intervenes in our best planned activities. I hope to see you in the next UWOL challenge.

Chris Swanberg

Mike Beckett October 23rd, 2009 02:28 AM

I'm out today this afternoon, (probably in the rain), in a last-ditch attempt to get better footage. The light here is awful here at the moment, dark, grey, damp and miserable - and most footage I have is very flat and grey as a result. Fingers crossed I get a break in the clouds.

Then it's just 2 days to edit, voiceover and polish... once again, I don't think there'll be any color correction time.

Still, I'm having lots of rule # 11!

Trond Saetre October 23rd, 2009 02:47 AM

Jonathan, stay with us! Don't give up yet.
How about making a video of the search for the "missing" animals, or something like that?
I hope to see your videos in future challenges. :)

Mike, good luck with your filming today. Hope the clouds and rain will cooperate with you.

Nice shots you have there. :)

My entry is almost a wrap. Doing the final editing and VO this weekend.
This round has been rule 11 all the way. Fun fun.

Meryem Ersoz October 23rd, 2009 07:59 AM

keep in mind that file length is actually a 3-minute maximum - i've posted shorter ones, myself, more in the 2-minute range, Jonathan, so you could also consider a shorter entry before you decide to quit. the point is to tell a story or create an affect that fits the time that you have...

Mike Beckett October 23rd, 2009 10:10 AM

Well, there you go. I've spent all afternoon wandering around the shoreline looking for birds... and where the heck are they all!? This is supposed to be the peak season, with all the over-wintering birds!

I spent a lot of time in traffic queues behind tractors, doing 15mph, on tiny roads that you can't overtake on, chanting "remember rule 11, remember rule 11...".

I'll have to see what I can pull together with the footage I have already. "Dots in the distance", indeed!

Bob Thieda October 23rd, 2009 05:36 PM

Well I see I'm not alone....

Judging by the weather forecast for this weekend....I'm going to have to go with what I got.....
Which ain't much....LOL

Chris Swanberg October 23rd, 2009 10:11 PM

Well... my rough edit is done... with "rough" color grading. I'll have some time now for the voiceover and finish work... but will be competing with time on the long form as well. The long form without time limits spoils you.... I had a couple hours of footage easy enough for 10 minutes... but 3? Ouch... tough edit decisions.

My facility with Vegas has certainly improved as a result of all this - long form and UWOL 15! (And has a LONG ways yet to go)


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