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-   The UWOL Challenge (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/uwol-challenge/)
-   -   Sign-up Thread for UWOL #14 - Since you asked... (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/uwol-challenge/238349-sign-up-thread-uwol-14-since-you-asked.html)

Meryem Ersoz July 2nd, 2009 02:41 PM

Sign-up Thread for UWOL #14 - Since you asked...
I keep getting asked when the next one is...didn't we just do this? But since y'all are clamoring for more...

Sign-up closes: July 10
Deadline: Sunday, August 2

This gives you almost four weekends to make something special!

And a full week of chit-chat before the long-formers bust in with their progress reports...

Remember: signing up has 2 parts

1) state your commitment to participate in this thread
2) if you're new to the contest, or if I need your up-to-date email address, shoot me an email at uwol@comcast.net, so that I can add your name to the group email list, important for updates and uploading your masterpiece....

Rules are at: The UWOL Challenge - Wildlife & Outdoor based film competition

Kevin Railsback July 2nd, 2009 03:03 PM

Count me in on this one Philaenus spumarius larvae and all! :)

Dale Guthormsen July 2nd, 2009 04:04 PM

Good afternoon,

First time on line in ages and here is the sign up thread.

I am in, even if I have huge work on the long form this month!!!!

Chris Barcellos July 2nd, 2009 04:10 PM

I had such fun on the last one, I will try again..

Mike Beckett July 3rd, 2009 03:28 AM

Why bother? I never win....

Only joking - count me in!!

Annie Haycock July 3rd, 2009 05:02 AM

I'm up for it. After spending this morning trying to photograph a woodlouse for an information board, anything is possible. And anyway, I've got to try out my new Libec 38 tripod on something!

PS congratulations on the last one Mike - I've just seen that you won it.

Sam Mendolia July 3rd, 2009 06:27 AM

Sign Me up, I will try to complete something, as I will be away camping in Algonquin Park, this coming week, maybe I will get something on tape/card.

As I will be away, and out of email access, when do we find out the topic?

Bob Thieda July 3rd, 2009 06:44 AM

Yes...I'm in and looking forward to it.

And since the Doc canceled my motorbike racing this summer, I've got plenty of time... :)

Jeff Hendricks July 3rd, 2009 07:24 AM

I need to make a movie...it's been a long dry spell. I am in...

Rich Ryan July 3rd, 2009 09:32 AM

I think I'll give this a try. You can tell from my post count that I am the epitome of a NOOB. I expect some frustration during the process. But I'll try to keep reminding myself of Rule #11.


Carl Middleton July 3rd, 2009 10:05 AM

Here's hoping....

My busy season just started. I might or might not have a few days off towards the end of the month, we shall see!

Count me in!

Stuart Hooper July 3rd, 2009 10:57 AM

I'm new to this too, but I've got some great wildlife down here, so I will give it a shot! Count me in!

Mike Sims July 3rd, 2009 02:24 PM

Best news I’ve had all week. Sign me up.

Oliver Pahlow July 3rd, 2009 03:23 PM

I'll give it a shot.

Victor Wilcox July 3rd, 2009 08:37 PM

Well, I'm still walking so I'm in. Hope I don't melt. The heat index has been in the triple digits for three weeks and it's just starting July.

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