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Meryem Ersoz May 26th, 2009 07:34 PM

UWOL #13 - "A Natural Order" - Kevin Railsback
Shy and retiring Kevin has not started his thread.

Are we going to let him get away with that? No, we are not.

Post your comments, insights, lighthearted ribbings, etc, etc, here!

Per Johan Naesje May 27th, 2009 12:22 AM

Kevin, I believe that everytime you turn on you cam, it's end up in a masterpiece! This was so beautiful done!
I'm impressed by how you doing the slowly movements in your close-up shots. Would you like to share your secrets behind, what kind of equipment do you use to succeed?

How's you finger anyway?

Chris Barcellos May 27th, 2009 12:56 AM

Wonderful choice of shots, beautiful compositio and execution of your shot. Your narrative storyline was great too.

Sam Mendolia May 27th, 2009 09:46 AM

All I have to say is WOW!

Perfect in every way, video, audio, editing, narritive, philosophy.

As Per Johan stated," a masterpiece"!

Trond Saetre May 27th, 2009 01:11 PM

Kevin, that was impressive!!
You always have a great story with great images, and you delivered this time too.

Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed watching it.

Mike Beckett May 27th, 2009 02:55 PM


Beautifully shot, perfect colours and a voiceover and script that was just spot on. The message of the cycle of life and death was very well presented.

And the water, I just loved those shots of the water.

Dale Guthormsen May 27th, 2009 04:24 PM


I love the quality of the entire thing. the voice over is superb!!! Script strikes a chord with me too.

The images, well, they are a total inspiration and set a standard for me to try to reach. Fantasic.

Curiously, did you write the script and then shoot to it? would like to hear about your process.

Bob Thieda May 27th, 2009 04:31 PM

Bravo Kevin,

Outstanding work...you have a way with water, that's for sure.

Great color and images...

Loved you voice over. Well done script and yet so natural sounding....

That's a keeper...


Mike Sims May 28th, 2009 09:55 AM

Experimental Notes:
Breaking Railsback’s appendage seems to have had no effect on his editing skills. The Forces of Evil might need to resort to Sterner Stuff to derail his creative genius.

Seriously Kevin- good stuff! I’d love to learn your audio workflow. That sweetening on your VO was magical, and your delivery really nailed it. Get well soon.

Kevin Railsback May 31st, 2009 12:24 PM

Yep, there goes Meryem starting trouble again! :) I was hoping to let this one slide under the radar but our fearless leader shot down that idea.

Ok, so...

What camera movements are you talking about? The establishing shot of the boulder was a push in with a slider. The shot coming over the dying mayapple was just tilting my tripod over it while having the camera in auto-focus. I think the rest of the shots were just simple pan and tilts.

This was originally supposed to be a bigger piece on the order that nature follows. I spent too much time trying to find a sundial. Do you know there are no sundials for sale in Eastern Iowa? Unreal!!! So, I had a couple lines of narration in my head. Based on those, I went out and shot a bunch of stuff that kind of follows the circle of life. Laid it all out roughly, jotted down some lines, recorded it and then trimmed the clips to fit it better.

So, short answer, no, I shot it first and then wrote the narration. :)

Yeah, the finger did slow things down. :) So I guess it did have an effect. There was no way I could carry the gear I wanted to so I figured I best call it a day.

My audio workflow is simple. I have an old Audio-Technica AT815b shotgun that I put in a tabletop mic stand. I plugged that into a Samson Mixpad4 portable mixer. It runs on 3 9Volt batteries. Then I plugged that into my Mac and recorded the audio via the Voiceover feature in Final Cut Pro.
I cranked down the highs and boosted the mids and lows on the mixer and let it rip.

I need to make a little pop filter out of some pantyhose though to get it a little better. But, that was all I did to the audio.

I hope the forces of evil don't resort to sterner stuff!!! :)

Glad you guys liked it.

Mike Sims May 31st, 2009 03:40 PM

Thanks Kevin. I was wondering about the EQ. I just made a pop filter out of pantyhose and an embroidery hoop. Work fine. Agreed, lets keep those foe outta here.

Marj Atkins June 5th, 2009 11:44 AM

Kevin I only have one word for this - “Sublime” - What's one up on Gold?

As for your story - thank the Lord for those people who recognize the value of life and live to make this world a better place.

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