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Catherine Russell June 24th, 2008 09:18 AM

Thank you, Kevin
Dearest Kevin:

I know you didn't want to put up a thread and hopefully this won't turn into one except to share our sincere condolences to our neighbor Iowans. There is no one like you that can take any subject and make it so beautiful, so touching and in this case, so heart breaking. You are very talented, and your heart and passion springs forth from every film you create. God's creatures who passed from this flood as well as all of God's creatures have been honored by your hand and we who watch this can only bow our heads by the sheer love of it. If there is only one comfort you and we can take from this, it is that not one living creature on this planet passes without God's nod and gesture to bring it in. Nothing ever dies alone. And in both life and death, each creature gives Him glory; a cycle of continual beginning and end, love and mercy ... by which we can only bow our heads in awe at the sheer love of it.

God bless you Kevin. God bless the animals that both survived and did not survive the 500 year flood.


Steve Siegel June 24th, 2008 12:10 PM

Yes Kevin, thank you.

Adrinn Chellton June 24th, 2008 02:02 PM

Indeed, thanks.

Oliver Pahlow June 29th, 2008 06:02 AM

I just now had a chance to watch it and I was looking for a thread to comment on. That was very beautiful and thought provoking.


Bruce Foreman June 29th, 2008 11:06 AM

Kevin, your record of what happened to your part of our environment, and it's impact on the wild creatures who lived there brought tears to my eyes.

Your strong visuals, choice of music, and your thoughts carried a real sense of what you must have been feeling.

Although you are not looking for a comment like this, your superb craftsmanship shows in this film and helps to convey what you wanted to share with the rest of us.

My thoughts are with you and your community.

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