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-   -   UWOL # 9 "Sealife" by Vidar Vedaa. (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/uwol-challenge/124355-uwol-9-sealife-vidar-vedaa.html)

Vidar Vedaa June 23rd, 2008 09:11 AM

UWOL # 9 "Sealife" by Vidar Vedaa.
This is my film for Uwol #9.

In the Norwegian Costline is allot of fasinating UW Life. And this time
I will present a film on the annemone, a underwather buty of my
favorite, so hope you edjoy the film.


Link HD 720p: http://web.mac.com/vidarjohannesveda...r/Sealife.html



Andrew Kufahl June 23rd, 2008 08:55 PM

Very, very nice Vidar. Here I am struggling to shoot good video on land, and you're doing this underwater! Gorgeous images! The colors are wonderful.


Dale Guthormsen June 24th, 2008 10:18 AM


It is so great to see the underwater world!!!! Thank you for going to the trouble to shoot that footage.

Beautiful images to say the least.

I think a bit of voice over would have been awesome for us teresterial types.

At the end, English subtitles would have been great.

curiously, was the emerging out of the watershot forward going in and then reversed so you have a clear lens coming out?

Very nice, thanks again

Catherine Russell June 25th, 2008 06:58 AM

Hi Vidar:

This is by far your best yet! Your footage was spectacular and rich. I thought the ending with you talking in your native tongue added to the intrigue since we didn't know what you were saying but the language is so beautiful to listen to. I really enjoyed this. Was that a bit of camera noise in the audio? Other than that I thought this was fabulous.


Markus Nord June 25th, 2008 09:15 AM

Nice job… fun to se one more UW filmmaker in this challenge. Was al shot taken during free diving?
You shot on land is really nice, but I get I bit confused when you jump to flower and then back to water and back again… maybe you could have film with some flowers in the front (in focus) and the free diver in the background (out of focus) ad then focus shift between… It is nice to mix over and under water, but for me I like to keep them in the same context.
Nice one!

Vidar Vedaa June 25th, 2008 11:59 AM

Tanks to you All fore coments.
This challenge I have to dicide to stay ower the round or do fast Work.
And I end up whit the last, fore the UW-exsperiense.Have been realy bisy the
last mnd.So a bit here and ther on the film.

Andrew, tanks allot fore coment
Dale, yes the film was revers in sekvense
Cat, the audio noise was from my sennheiser wireless mix, not the best noise ratio
Markus, this time I shot my clip whit botle



Lorinda Norton June 25th, 2008 10:56 PM

Thank you, Vidar, for taking us to a place I know for certain I will never see on my own. You made me feel like I was right there with you because of the sound. As one who has a fear of being under water that gave me mixed emotions – it was peaceful yet unsettling at the same time!

Beautiful images. I bet it’s nice not having to worry about camera shake when you’re down there. :)

John Dennis Robertson June 26th, 2008 12:00 AM

I know nothing about filming under water.I do know filming on land is hard enough for me to do,so adding water to whole darn thing is crazy...Your underwater footage is so clear and spectacular.Without people like you,there is a whole world I would miss because there is know way I would be underwater....Great video

Eric Gulbransen June 26th, 2008 12:23 AM

Vidar, beautiful images. Do you use a light down there? Or is it ambient? In some shots I think I see the source of light but can't tell whether it's the surface or your light. And how is it that your video, being such high resolution, plays so quickly? Is that because it's a .mac account? Makes me curious. Add a little music to that and you'll mesmerize people.. Nice work

Per Johan Naesje June 26th, 2008 01:06 AM

Hei Vidar, you did very well on this one! I could wish some narrating in the start (above the sea). Just tell where you are and what you are suppose to do under there!
The uw-pics are stunning, very rich colors! I'm amazed how well you do it!
The heron at the end was a perfect end!

Keep up your good work Vidar!

Chris Barcellos June 26th, 2008 01:54 AM

Beautiful both above and below the surface. Very nice images !

Peter Damerell June 26th, 2008 05:01 AM


This one was seriously good.

The length of the underwater shots was seriously impressive for free diving, I can hardly hold myself still when SCUBA diving let alone a camera too so I found your underwater stuff very impressive.

What a stunning garden of anemones. You can see many beautiful collections of anemones of the Cornish coast too but never this size unless you are diving a very remote location or wreck. Beautiful close-ups give anatomical detail whilst the long shots put the individuals into the population and show how rich the waters off the Norway are.

Just one criticism is that I thought the cuts during the on land section were a little fast and jumpy other than that it was a quality piece. The shots of you kitting up and preparing introduced the subject without the need for a voice over and the wildlife shots were beautiful.


Vidar Vedaa June 26th, 2008 08:42 AM

Hello and tanks fore coments.

Eric: I boost my timline to 720p25 10bit uncomp from 1080i HDV.Make selfcontend file
Exsport to compresor at Web stream H264 at 1372 kbit.I think the 10bit uncomp
make the clarety muthc beder then from HDV funny but try it and see.Download
speed I think is the kbits not the Mac-cont?!And it`s only ambient light on the clip

But Lorindas 12,5Mb mpeg4 suprise mee in clarety and size.

Per Johan: I fore shore agree whit the VO special at the end.But I have been realy
bisy the last tree week.Do this round special fore the UW-exspesiense.



Bob Thieda June 27th, 2008 08:33 AM

Beautiful! The underwater stuff was just so pretty. I always love the underwater videos, (as I don't swim)...

I also thought the opening shots were very, very nice.
Got me interested right away.
I agree with the others, a VO would have been nice and subtitles at the end to solve the mystery...What did you say, anyway?

Again, beautiful stuff...Thanks!


Vidar Vedaa June 27th, 2008 08:57 AM

Hi Bob

I will give you the last missing site.My brodher, the free-diver say it was a nice
dive but not so many fich.And I replay that wee find allot of annamone,and he say
yes it was realy nice under the brigc.

Shud made a VO,but in miss of time I dont do it.And I have don VO only once in Uwol#8
And it horibale,And my englic is not good at all.



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