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Chris Barcellos April 21st, 2008 11:55 PM

UWOL #8- A Short Ride by Chris Barcellos
This was a quickie-- after three weeks of heavy work load, and a number of other things, I needed this get away to be transformed...

Dale Guthormsen April 22nd, 2008 11:07 AM


Well, you never dissappoint!! Your videography is always so nice!!!!

for a quicky, a terrific job!!

I was anticipating a close up of the flower shot!!

Those ponds out in the camereo basin?? Look familiar!!

thanks for taking the time to shoot and share.

Watching this one inspired me think how I would like to have a crane to shoot similar shots but with the added movement!!

the more I think about this one the more I like it!!

Bob Thieda April 22nd, 2008 04:07 PM

I wasn't sure where you were going at first, but after you got to the marsh it all came together.

Good sound track! Loved the camera movement.

"A quickie..." Ha! Wish I could make a quickie like that.... ;)

Bob T.

Trond Saetre April 22nd, 2008 04:45 PM

Chris, if this was a quickie, then I'd love to see what you call a great video.
Because to me this was a very good one.
I really like the sequence from 00:56 when you shot the grass and then tilted up the camera to get a view of the lake, and then the closer shot of the birds.
Well done!

Markus Nord April 23rd, 2008 02:48 AM

Chris… nice journey!
I like the story, and the way you told it. Maybe you could have got some shot on you, stepping out of the car, sitting and watching the bird…
Nice done…

Bryce Comer April 23rd, 2008 04:01 AM

Hi Chris,
Well i can see how your short journey could have you "transformed". You took us all to a beautiful place with this short ride. Not sure what fps you are using, but i thought the SloMo footage was a bit strange, but then again, maybe that was in the compression? I really liked the music too.


Mike Beckett April 23rd, 2008 11:27 AM


Excellent! The music did it for me, it really suited the film. As others have mentioned, the crane shot revealing the pond was really good, it almost seemed "3D" to me.

The colors were great too. You get a great picure out of that little HV20 and the framing was excellent. Beautifully shot and edited.

One thing - just think how much fun the cat could've had if she'd come with you!

Ruth Happel April 23rd, 2008 11:42 AM

You always have a great way of framing your shots, and this film didn't disappoint. As others have noted, the crane shot from the grass to the pond was wonderful. The closeup with the emphasis on the eyes, through both focus and exposure, was both artistic and technically excellent. This was a fun film to watch, and showed how much you can see in a short ride. Great job!


Bruce Foreman April 23rd, 2008 12:03 PM

Chris, I need to take more short rides like that. Kinda wished I was on it with you. The crane shot was a neat way to present "visual discovery" of the lake, sequences of the water fowl looked clean, well composed and crisp.

Everything looked good and the way you ended it was very powerful.

Chris Barcellos April 23rd, 2008 02:24 PM

Thanks all for your kind comments.

I was thinking I was going to have to pass on this competition, because I had been buried at work for 3 weeks, and then shot a wedding for a friend on Saturday. On Sunday, I decided to take a ride to the local bird preserve, just to do some shooting, with the thought in back of mind that I might be able to still put something together. I haven't missed a UWOL yet, and this was eating at me.

As I was packing up, I saw our cat ( a very new addition to our family) with its bright eyes watching me with interest, and I just caught a couple shots. I flipped the image horizontally, to make it look like she was watching me load the car. She was actually more interest in birds...

Crane shot: When I got there, the beauty of the day, and the green grass literally transformed me. Not a lot of bird activity, but I still got rejuvinated enough to try a couple of shots. The lone bloom caught my attention.

The crane shot was actually done extending two legs on my cheapy Velbron tripod, and bracing them againt edge of a cement walkway they have there. Then I manipulated the camera end with a very lose head to get a crane effect.

The other pond shots were just tripod. I did slow all three of those shots down a bit to give them a feel.... and I had shot everything in 24p, and wished I had used 60i after, but I had to live with what I had.

I saw the the hawk on the road home, and jumped out of car and hand held the shot, with it still on tripod. I tried slowing it down, but image looked bad.

Original finished had a VO added, and would have explained theme connection a bit more, but it was distracting because talent seemed a lit off (me :))

Meryem Ersoz April 23rd, 2008 06:25 PM

I think it was the shot of the eyes that did it for me...because you could "see" the way the human was transformed by this little break in nature, the process of observation and relaxing into the experience. Cool...

Glad you found a way to work it in...

Catherine Russell April 23rd, 2008 10:23 PM

Way to go Chris:

You could feel the transformation of the soul from beginning to end, and like Meryem commented, the close up of your eyes wrapped it up. Short, sweet and very enjoyable. Thanks Chris!

P.S. Your comment to Meryem in the shark tank thread cracked me up!


Adrinn Chellton April 26th, 2008 12:47 PM

Nice simple entry, sometimes succinct is the way to go. I had similar time issues for this one, you did a good job with what time you did spend though.

Looking forward to your next entry.

John Dennis Robertson April 28th, 2008 06:06 AM

As everyone has said,for lack of time you have pulled off another good one.

Chris Swanberg April 30th, 2008 11:29 PM

Nice video
Having had a glimpse into Chris's life recently... and know the demands on his time, I was pleased to see he had time to put something into this competition.

My day to join is yet ahead. Chris and I and involved currently in a shot together, and hence I have had the pleasure to get to know him (and to know that cat as well... WHAT a sweet cat) and was fun to see his entry.

I learn so much from you all... looking forward to joining in this fall hopefully.

Well done Chris.

ps... I never knew your eyes were the color they were until now.

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