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-   -   UWOL News And Announcements! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/uwol-challenge/114768-uwol-news-announcements.html)

Meryem Ersoz February 13th, 2008 08:18 PM

UWOL News And Announcements!

Get out there and shoot something in a stylish UWOL T-shirt, featuring the languages of all of our participating countries! UWOL is you all.

Ordering information is on the front page of our website at: www.uwolchallenge.com --

Where you will also find a new announcement for a 3-MINUTE FILM FESTIVAL. This is a terrific opportunity for UWOL films to be screened...as if they designed it just for us. 3 minute films, go figure, how did they know we have 144 of them already online??.... Check it out!

Meryem Ersoz March 4th, 2008 03:46 PM

The UWOL love continues to spread across the planet...

go read all about Kevin Railsback's latest achievement in the front page headline UWOL news:


Meryem Ersoz January 25th, 2010 06:03 PM

Eco-Comedy Video Competition
It would be really cool if they received a bunch of international submissions...and a chance for everyone to try a new approach to their UWOL shooting - comedy....

Eco-Comedy Video Competition | American University School of Communication, Washington, D.C.

Meryem Ersoz March 3rd, 2010 09:03 PM

One for you guys...
Check this out...a 3-minute Film Festival - you all have a few of these up your sleeves, dontcha???

3 Minute Film Festival - 2010

Trond Saetre October 14th, 2015 02:35 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Follow this link for updates and news about the
UWOL Get Together event, October 2016, in Bristol, UK:


Bob Safay October 31st, 2015 05:21 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
4 Attachment(s)
I wear my T-shirt every time I travel. Here are a few shots in different countries. Bob

Trond Saetre November 2nd, 2015 02:42 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Very nice, Bob!
Thanks for sharing.

Trond Saetre August 7th, 2017 06:39 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Get-together event 2018.

Follow this link for all discussions, thoughts and ideas:

Dale Guthormsen August 23rd, 2019 06:07 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!

I wore out my original T shirt years ago! I had many comments about it at that time, it was cool

Would be cool to have another run on them.

Chris Hurd August 23rd, 2019 06:16 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Yep, we need to do another run. I'm hoping the original creative is still available.

Trond Saetre August 24th, 2019 12:56 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
I don't have the original design. It was a project run by Meryem at that time. But yes, the t-shirts were cool. I'll see if I can get the graphics.

Kevin Railsback August 29th, 2019 05:47 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
I think Mat designed the logo when it looked like we might migrate to a stand alone website

Chris Hurd August 29th, 2019 06:57 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
I thought that might be the case. I'm wondering if his family would give us permission to re-create it.

Kevin Railsback August 29th, 2019 09:11 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
I would hope so, it would be a great way to keep Mat's memory alive.
I can see if Claire has any contact info

Trond Saetre August 30th, 2019 12:23 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!

Originally Posted by Kevin Railsback (Post 1952814)
I can see if Claire has any contact info

Please let us know if you find out anything, or get access to the logo/ original design graphics.

Gordon Hoffman September 10th, 2019 07:49 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
What would the chance be of getting it done up as a jacket. I wear a jacket more than a T shirt. I would definitely buy one.


Chris Hurd September 11th, 2019 07:08 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
For a jacket, it would just require finding a suitable one that's printable (or embroider-able), at a reasonable price and a reasonable minimum run.

For example, Land's End offers these jackets which are brandable with a logo: https://business.landsend.com/Men/Ou...ackets/c/3.5.1

I don't think there's a minimum order, but the branding charges can really add to the price. I've used this company before. They produce our DV Info Net "trade show uniform" shirts, which are very nice long-sleeved collared button-downs with our embroidered DVi logo that are stylish and comfortable. Plenty of other companies offer nearly the same thing, though. It's just a question of how much you're willing to spend. The branding adds a considerable amount to the price.

Dale Guthormsen September 11th, 2019 04:05 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
A Texan and Soylent Green, think its an oxymoron isn't it?

"Soylent Green is made of"

Chris Hurd September 11th, 2019 04:40 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
It took you fourteen years to notice that, Dale?!

Soylent Green is nothing more than a plankton-based wafer; flavorful and nutritious.

But... it's in short supply. I understand that Soylent Industries is looking into an alternate source.

One that's more... well... humane, anyway.

Weren't we talking about jackets?

Gordon Hoffman September 12th, 2019 06:43 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Chris I knew it would most likely have a fair price tag with it. The problem I could see would be getting enough people on board to even make it a possibility. I was hoping more would chime in on this.


Chris Hurd September 12th, 2019 07:16 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Well, securing the artwork is the first step... shouldn't be too much trouble to proceed forward from there.

Trond Saetre September 13th, 2019 11:06 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
If we go forward with a new batch of UWOL branded clothes, the limiting factor would as mentioned, most likely be the numbers.
Not sure if we will be able to get the original design. I guess Kevin is trying to contact Mat's family about this?

Kevin Railsback September 13th, 2019 11:38 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Meryem is also going to check if she has it on an old computer

Trond Saetre September 13th, 2019 11:52 AM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Hopefully Meryem has it. I have checked all my harddrives, and no success there.

Chris Hurd September 13th, 2019 03:29 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
3 Attachment(s)
Tell you what... if we can just get the okay from Mat's family to recreate his artwork, that may be the best way to proceed. I would really like to have new versions of the logo that can be adaptable to more than just jackets and hats... for example, I'd very much like to run a 728x90 leaderboard at the top of the site here to advertise when we have a challenge open, and also to put in our newsletters, and on the main site, etc.

New versions of his design would make that possible. Surely among us we've got someone with the graphic skills to take it on...

EDIT: Here are the original UWOL web graphics from 2009. I had asked for these particular sizes, which were correct for my purposes back then, but they're too small to use now. Plus, the URL is no longer valid. So, we could really use some newly revised versions of these.

Trond Saetre September 13th, 2019 03:33 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
Agreed! A logo design that can be adapted to both clothing and online, and other items as well, would be a good idea.

Chris Hurd September 13th, 2019 03:36 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
I think the space for the old URL should perhaps be used instead to spell out what UWOL is... "The Under Water, Over Land Challenge."

Trond Saetre September 14th, 2019 04:24 PM

Re: UWOL News And Announcements!
That's a good idea, Chris!

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