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Anne-Kari Toien November 23rd, 2007 06:16 AM

An UWOL-friend and supporter
Hello everyone!

I'm your UWOL-friend! From the very beginning of UWOL-challenge #1 I've been following all of you in your hard tryings of make good wildlife films. You are all so enthusiastic and I enjoy very much to read this forum!

May be you guess.. - yes, I'm a friend of Per Johan. Me and my two dogs... (Team Norway are increasing).

I've watched your videofilms throughout the year, - and really, - all of you have increased in your skills! I've been reading your "Tales of wonder and woe", and I've followed Per Johan in his work with his films. I'm impressed by your enthusiasm!
And I've been following some of you down in the shark tank... Stay out from there!

My two dogs Várri and Raijo are of the breed laponian herder. This is a nordic breed, and their origin job are to be a herder for domesticated reindeers. You can watch a short video of Várri as a reindeer herder at

The video-master is Per Johan, - of course... ;-)

As an UWOL-supporter I will say: Keep up the good work everyone! And the dogs are vooooofing: Come on, let's make another film! This is cooooool! Come on, Robin, let's get filmstars!

Gordon Hoffman November 23rd, 2007 07:58 AM

Well thanks and welcome aboard. So can we expect you behind the camera next time?

Gordon Hoffman

Meryem Ersoz November 23rd, 2007 08:57 AM

greetings from Colorado, Anne-Kari, you are Per's dog wrangler in his most recent entry, yes?

congratulations on a fantastic performance! and congratulations to the dog, too, who really played it perfectly as well. and welcome to the love-fest we call the UWOL Challenge, where we all agree that we can never have too many Vikings on board...

those are awesome dogs, by the way, very nice video...

Meryem Ersoz November 23rd, 2007 09:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
i thought i should introduce you to my dog, as well, since we are all dog people. she has also starred in UWOL and DV Challenge films. her name is violet, and she'll be 14 in february and doesn't move so well anymore. best dog in the world. maybe she can give yours, who are just starting out in their new career, some acting tips....

Trond Saetre November 23rd, 2007 09:22 AM

Hei Anne-Kari

You should get behind the camera as well, and really join us in the future challenges. Just see how much fun Per Johan has when he's making his videos. :)

Mat Thompson November 23rd, 2007 10:44 AM

Blimey....the Norwegians are coming at us on mass! Welcome Anne-Kari, glad you like the show....or lack of it on my part this time round :-( !

Believe it or not I'm still planning mine, the equipment I need hasn't turned up yet....better late than never !

Geir Inge November 23rd, 2007 10:56 AM

Hei Anne-Kari and welcome to uwol forum :)
Nice to meet some of Per Johan's friends, even if it's just on the www.

Geir Inge

Per Johan Naesje November 24th, 2007 02:28 PM

Hello all, just a quick hi from the mountain. I'm visiting the muskoxen this weekend. Got some nice footage yesterday, where a couple of male was butting in the snow.
Today I got some nice footage of approx 250 wild Reindeers, quite a big hurd at least in Norway!
As I can view on my small viewfinder the footage looks real good.

Good to see that you got a warm welcome by the uwolers, Anne-Kari, see you soon!

Ruth Happel November 24th, 2007 04:06 PM

Hi Anne-Kari,

Glad to hear you are enjoying UWOL, and I hope we see some films from you soon. Your dogs were great in Per's latest film. Maybe someday we can arrange for them to act together with Robin?! Thanks for joining in, and hope to see you (and your dogs) in future films.


Anne-Kari Toien November 24th, 2007 05:33 PM

Thank you, everybody, for nice words!

Mostly I have been taking still pictures. But, - now I have "inherited" from Per Johan his very first video-camcorder. It is a Sony mini DV Handycam with 120x zoom. Quite simple, but may be good enough? I've made some "test-shooting", just filming without making any editing. And when I'm leaving the flat with the dogs alone at home, the camcorder is monitoring what they're doing when i'm out... (The youngest dog is just 10 month...) I think it is very interesting with film, I've been following Per Johan for some years now. I'd like to make some footage myself. But I'm not sure if this UWOL challenge is the first place to start...?

Meryem: What a beautiful dog! She looks very intellignet. Yes, I think she can teach my two ("wild") boy-dogs how to act in UWOL. They are rather young both, the eldest one is 3 1/2 years. They are a bit whimsey acters! ;-)

When taking the footage in the fog in Holmenkollen, with statue-dog and living dogs, we also used hot-dogs! Just to help the dogs (the living ones) to find the path up to the statue-dogs nose. Per Johan had to take the footage several times, but it worked at last! So thanks to a hot-dog making living dogs to act with a statue-dog! In the fog! ;-)

Catherine Russell November 25th, 2007 01:56 PM

Hi Anne-Kari:

Welcome to UWOL! Okay then! You now have a video camera in hand, thank you Per!, so.... we are all looking forward to your entry in February! Always nice to have an additional film maker to team Norway! Welcome aboard!



Meryem Ersoz November 25th, 2007 05:25 PM

i'm laughing at the image of per johan--the guy who carries a jib, an H1 with long lenses, and an arrow tripod around the wilderness--toting around an itty bitty sony handycam...it just doesn't seem right! i guess we all had to start the addiction somehow.

you better be careful with that thing, anne-kari! look what it did to per! he's a hopeless video addict, with the gear to prove it.

Anne-Kari Toien November 25th, 2007 06:27 PM

Yes...and with that itty bitty Sony handycam some people are able to make really beautiful footage... It's not only the addiction, it's the way of addiction...with passion... May be it is a good addiction, even if it can be a bit expensive for some people...

So, - let's see if I'm able to make some footage with that handycam first of all!

Meryem Ersoz November 25th, 2007 07:26 PM

well, you should sign up in february, then, since you're armed and ready for action. i am promising one of those "anyone-with-a-handycam-can-play" type of themes...and the best way to learn is to play. the UWOL gang is very dedicated to helping each other learn.

Dale Guthormsen November 25th, 2007 11:05 PM


It will be great to have you in come February. The best gear in the world will not help with the editing (look at moon glow where i forgot to fade the music at the end of it!!) So, good footage shot well and edited well stands a good chance of being in the winning circle too, no matter what it is shot with!!!!!! Some of them in this last round were so creative!! To me that is a huge part of it all!!

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