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Anne-Kari Toien November 26th, 2007 04:49 PM

I have a couple of months to practise with the video camera. So, - yes, may be I'll enjoy you in the UWOL-show in February.

My exercices untill now have been footage of the dogs. They are really difficult objects for filming! Particularly out in forest, where they're running free... I'm deeply impressed of all of you making good footage of wild animals!

Good footage well edited... I think I should go out, buy a lot of film cassettes, - then bring the camcorder out whereever I go, and have some fun...

If I not succeed in my practising, - you UWOL'ers need a supporter-team, you know. With tee-shirts, and the text could be: I'm an UWOL-supporter!

Catherine Russell November 26th, 2007 06:04 PM

Hi Anne-Kari:

Oh No way! No backing out now! The UWOL gang is thrilled to have you with us! Even putting in films as an entry is good practice! You even said that you have seen all of us improve as a group.

See you in February! ;-)


Per Johan Naesje November 27th, 2007 02:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz (Post 781752)
well, you should sign up in february, then, since you're armed and ready for action. i am promising one of those "anyone-with-a-handycam-can-play" type of themes...and the best way to learn is to play. the UWOL gang is very dedicated to helping each other learn.

Any change to get a Theme where I can use this, Meryem, let's say "Lost in Space" or "Moon Craters"

Just kidding ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))

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