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Dale Guthormsen May 8th, 2010 09:01 PM

Prairie Crocus Bloom
Good evening,

the prairie crocus is only out for a couple weeks each spring. the last two years i have been after them but have been under heavily winded conditions and it has snowed on them (in late april and May!!!) both years.
this was about the best I got this year. Not real pleased with it but i thought I would share this beautiful bit of flora.

dale Guthormsen

Mike Sims May 9th, 2010 09:33 AM

I enjoyed that. You’ve got some really nice shots under the most difficult field conditions possible! I agree- beautiful bit of flora.

Ryan Farnes May 9th, 2010 11:26 PM

Good to hear you were able to get out at least this year. What camera do you primarily use?

Also, were those "dolly shots" from a slider of some sort?

Dale Guthormsen May 10th, 2010 11:51 AM


Yes I shot those off the infamous skate board with an old miller fluid head mounted on it, I Have a 6 foot track I made for it to run in.

I am going to build a pvc track with the ability to level it, also going to can the skate board, save the wheels and make a simple sled to run on the pvc pipe, it should be much more stable.

a plastic rain gutter mounted on a 1x6 use a piece of the gutter cover to make the camera mount, grease the gutter and you will get smooth slides.

Oh yea, I prefer my xlh1 though the fx 1000 creates some fantasic images if I do things right, it is also very convient and I am getting some reasonable use out of the slo motion feature.


Sam Mendolia May 10th, 2010 07:47 PM

Wow Dale, I wish I had time to do this kind of video, as these are my kind of video, that I like to do, when I actually get out to do them, that is.

The scenery is is great. We have some areas in this part of the country that are just as beautiful, but I guess, I won't see them again until I get another vehicle, or rent one for the weekend, and take the family on an outing, where they can enjoy this kind of beauty for themselves.

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