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Hubert Hofer June 17th, 2008 02:38 PM

UW microphones
does anyone know where I can buy a waterproof (not for depth) mic with a 5 meter (17') cable. None of the housing makers are interested to sell one by itself. Google don't appear to be aware any either.
thanks H

Chris Soucy June 17th, 2008 04:01 PM

Hi Hubert..........
Scroll down the page to the Google box, type in "Hydrophone" and click "The Entire Web" and then "Search".

Google knows!


Rick L. Allen June 17th, 2008 04:44 PM

Another trick is to put an EV RE50 in a non lubricated condom, seal the opening around the cable and off you go. As an underwater videographer I can tell you that underwater sounds aren't that interesting - lots of clicks and crackling mostly (and the sound of your own breathing and bubbles of course).

Hubert Hofer June 17th, 2008 09:29 PM

Hydrophone, of course ! Just didn't think of that. I don't actually need it underwater as such, just to be unaffected by wet conditions. The condom idea sounds interesting. Any particular flavour ? Lol
many thanks fellers.

Hubert Hofer June 18th, 2008 07:08 PM

Hi Fellers,
just for your info, I've found what I'm looking for
cheers H

Chris Soucy June 18th, 2008 09:41 PM

Thanks for the update, Hubert.......
I take it the condom idea didn't quite cut the mustard?


Hubert Hofer June 19th, 2008 04:39 AM

cheers Chris,
I had reservations about sensitivity & re-use.

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