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James Emory January 5th, 2006 12:25 AM

Pete Townshend Warns iPod Users!
Pete Townshend warns iPod users about constant use of headphones associated with gradual hearing loss.


Boyd Ostroff January 5th, 2006 05:59 AM

Yeah, I saw that on the news this morning. I wonder other health tips Pete has for us? ;-)

Pete Bauer January 5th, 2006 06:47 AM

Hey, I don't know what other words of medical wisdom Pete Townshend has, but I'll add a few since my name is Pete, too.

I'm just an MD who holds board certification in two preventive medicine specialties...who am I to argue medical facts with a rock star? ;-)

So I must completely agree with Mr. Townshend. Noise-induced hearing loss is epidemic in modern society, and I strongly believe that earphone use substantially contributes to the problem. People tend to turn earphones to a louder decibel level than they do regular speaker systems, and the convenience allows for increased exposure times.

More Decibels x More Time = More Hearing Loss.

I personally take it seriously. If I'm going to a concert or even a loud bar, I'll wear earplugs. When I fly in military jets, I wear earplugs under my helmet. It may sound silly to some people who haven't experienced hearing loss; people like Mr. Townshend who HAVE lost a lot of hearing think otherwise. Like he says, once it's gone, it's gone.

Brian Duke January 5th, 2006 07:00 AM

I've been listening to my iPod for months now and I couldn't hear anything you guys been saying...

Actually I have been in the music biz for 25 years DJing etc and played VERY loud music and my ears have not suffered yet. huh? what did you say? Come again?

K. Forman January 5th, 2006 07:45 AM

I agree with Mr. Townsend... Those huge amps and speakers at a concert have got to be way less damaging than earbuds... Wha???

Mike Teutsch January 5th, 2006 08:01 AM

I’m afraid I have to agree with the two Pete’s. I lost a lot of hearing in the Army wearing a headset. Mine started with a mission, where I sat at a radar console for 24 hour straight. When it was over I had permanent hearing loss, and it only worsened with time. Also have tinnitus, ringing in the ears, and you don’t want any of this. There is no such thing as a quiet place in my world.

Sadly, this warning is issued quite often, yet almost all ignore it. All think they can beat the odds. But once it starts, it’s too late.


Boyd Ostroff January 5th, 2006 08:10 AM

Well I'm sure you guys are right about hearing loss, it is a serious thing. I was making light of the messenger, not the message. But if it makes someone think twice about this issue I guess that's a good thing.

Personally... my rock concert days have been over for 30 years, and I don't use earbuds (dislike the idea of having anything inserted into my ear). I know a lot of stagehands who work the rock concerts. They all wear earplugs. I probably have some hearing loss resulting from years of work in scenery construction.

Keith Loh January 5th, 2006 10:45 AM

I told this to my girlfriend because she is always telling me to either turn my music off or wear headphones. She said she wanted me to keep my hearing so we would have to buy a new house with a separate room for my computer and stereo.

James Emory January 5th, 2006 11:44 AM

Doesn't Ted Nugent have some hearing loss because of his days on stage?

Sean McHenry January 6th, 2006 12:49 AM

I'm afraid that while I agree with most statements on hearing loss, I actually love the newer soft ear buds. The ones with foam or soft silicone rubber that blocks out all the outside sounds. I think one of the reasons folks listen with the volume so high is that they aren't getting any isolation from outside sounds. They keep jacking those things up until they overcome the sounds around them and by then the overall spl is way to high. I recommend completly closed (ols style) headphones or the soft ear buds. Besides, without a good acoustic seal to your head, you are missing most of the low freqs. anyway.

My 2 centavos.

Sean McHenry

Andy Graham January 6th, 2006 04:13 PM

not much more i can contribute to this conversation i'm just posting this so i'm not sitting with 13 posts under my name! its unlucky and i need my luck so i'll just say rock on Pete the Who were awsome =)

take care guys ...."if it's too loud your too old" wise words from that film Airheads!

Mike Teutsch January 6th, 2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Andy Graham

take care guys ...."if it's too loud your too old" wise words from that film Airheads!

Not hard to see why this is a constant and increasingly bad problem!


John Hudson January 6th, 2006 08:21 PM

What about standing in front of Marshall Stacks ones whole life ?

Daniel J. Wojcik January 10th, 2006 08:42 AM

You'd probably get more impulse-noise damage that way, but it's not really as bad as the constant lower level stuff.

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