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Blayde Stone May 29th, 2014 01:44 PM

Independant Medical Exam Video
Good afternoon, has anybody out there, had any experience in videotaping Independent Medical Exams??, we are wedding and event videographers and now have a request to videotape a independent medical exam. We have some ideas how we would do this, in the doctor's office while he examines the patient, but would be open to anyone else's input on what to expect In this type of setting........... Thank you very much

Andrew Smith May 29th, 2014 08:39 PM

Re: Independant Medical Exam Video
Sounds like something that would possibly have some use later on to verify the findings. I would suggest the following:

1. Have a second camera (like a GoPro) up high and out of the way, which will record the entire process with no breaks.

2. Have your main cam record the close-ups of the important stuff. Given that there will be appropriate angles for demonstrating things such as the range of joint movement, work through this beforehand with the doctor so that you are in the right place to get the right shot, and also so that he/she doesn't accidentally obstruct the field of view.

This should be a good start. Anybody else got comments?


Ervin Farkas May 31st, 2014 10:12 PM

Re: Independant Medical Exam Video

You're not specifying but it sounds like you have been approached by a lawyer to do this job. IME's have to be done a certain way, following certain rules, in order to be admissible as evidence in a legal process.

I suggest you pass on the job to an experienced legal videographer.

I hope this helps,

Blayde Stone June 1st, 2014 04:47 AM

Re: Independant Medical Exam Video/ Reply
Andrew and Ervin, thank you for your reply's, I will need to check into this deeper..... I am sure there are certain requirements that have to be met!! It may be an promising avenue to pursue.

Roger Van Duyn June 3rd, 2014 05:59 AM

Re: Independant Medical Exam Video
And don't forget HIPAA (Medical Privacy) regulations. The exam would be a part of the patient's medical records, and who they can be shared with and under what conditions can be pretty strict. When I was working in health care, patients would call the lab wanting their test results. I told them (truthfully) that I wasn't allowed to even look up my own test results under the HIPAA regulations without the proper authorization. So I certainly couldn't give look up theirs. Then I transferred them to Medical Records Department and let those personnel detail the process...

Listen to Ervin. The potential for trouble is far worse than an irate Mother of the Bride.

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