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Heath McKnight June 27th, 2003 09:01 PM

Everyone's website
Here's a cool idea: everyone post their website addresses! I'd like to see what everyone does!

Here are mine:

www.mpsdigital.com (my film company)

www.pbfilmsociety.org (my film society)

www.wptv.com (the TV station I work at)


John Locke June 27th, 2003 09:59 PM

A little helpful advice...

If there are going to be a lot of URLs posted here, make sure they're clickable links (Heath, I've already edited yours). To do that, when posting your message, surround the link with the following code:

[ url=http://www.domain.com]http://www.domain.com[/url ]

Or you can also make text links like so:

[ url=http://www.myjob.com]This is where I work![/url ]

Just remove the empty spaces where the Xs appear at "[Xurl..." and "[/urlX]" (Had to use them here so you could see the code)

Frank Granovski June 27th, 2003 11:19 PM


Robert Knecht Schmidt June 27th, 2003 11:49 PM

Heath, you did know that anyone with a web site has a little www button underneath all of their posts, yes?

Keith Loh June 28th, 2003 01:49 AM

My personal website:

My company's main product site (which I designed)

The new version that I'm currently building now:
http://partners.dsny.com/products/video/ (only a few pages work)

Dylan's Pyroglyph Films.com website that I built a couple weeks ago:

Those are the main ones.

Heath McKnight June 30th, 2003 01:54 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Robert Knecht Schmidt : Heath, you did know that anyone with a web site has a little www button underneath all of their posts, yes? -->>>

Not too smart on my part...

heath ;-)

Boyd Ostroff June 30th, 2003 04:55 PM

Mine are in the .sig below. You'll find links to sets I've designed during the past 10 years here

Keith Loh June 30th, 2003 05:55 PM

Lovely work.

Ed Smith July 1st, 2003 04:00 AM

My little web site:


Let me know what you think.



Boyd Ostroff July 1st, 2003 06:35 AM

Thanks Keith!

Keith Loh July 1st, 2003 09:38 AM

That Flash intro was a tad long. Not long in terms of other Flash intros out there but still too long. I think under 10 seconds is ideal. This one was I think 20 seconds to complete? Too long.

Dylan Couper July 1st, 2003 03:49 PM

I liked it, but I think the flash movie should be even shorter. 5 seconds or so. I have a short attention span.

Rob Lohman July 11th, 2003 11:50 AM

You can also do a plain [ url]www.site.com[url ] (without the
spaces) and it will display the link as the name as well.....

Ed Smith July 11th, 2003 12:39 PM

Thanks, Keith and Dylan.

Take your point on the Flash intro (you can always skip it!!!). I'm at the beginning of a new design.

Does anyone like the noval Navigation (film strip)? Should it stay in the next design?

Cheers again,


Keith Loh July 11th, 2003 01:35 PM

Another thing on the intro, you should have it so that if you click anywhere on the screen, they go into the site. This is to save someone wasting time trying to find the "Enter" link.

I definitely have problems with sites that require Flash for any navigation without alternatives. Basically, you are telling people to go away if they don't have the specialized software to even get basic information from your website. I don't think it would be a big deal if you simply added text links at the bottom of the screen for someone who can't be bothered to go get Flash. Either that or have a detection scheme that routs people to the Flash site or the non-Flash site.

That said, the film strip is okay. I don't like navigation where you have to wait for something to animate in order to reveal choices. you may want to make it animate faster so that it doesn't take more time than it would for someone to click a text link. It wouldn't dampen the effect of the animation and would be a more pleasing navigational experience.

I also question the dithering you have on your title graphic. The camera man silhouette behind it looks like a grey blob, unfortunately. If anything on your site, your branding should be of the highest quality. That is why on some sites that are built for low bandwidth navigation often the only large graphic is the branding. Branding is of prime importance for companies. As it is, you are asking low bandwidth users to load up the Flash navigation. So you might as well make your company name of high quality.

The QuickTime movie on the main page doesn't really add anything unless you are going to put a demo reel in its place later. Also, please take this tip from someone who has seen lots of title animations. Lens flares are very amateurish.

Aside from these comments. I like the layout of your website and the colour scheme.

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