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Charles King May 1st, 2003 04:06 PM

personal film look setups
I was thinking today while reading some facts about getting the that film look that everyone seems to want - Hell, I want it too :)
It came to me that everyone has a personal setup of how they get their footage to look the way they do. Now, I just want to suggest, maybe everyone should post thier personal setup in this thread, wheather it may be in camera, post-production or both, to share with others the film look experience (mildly put).
Who knows, this will show other methods to achieve the same goal, we seem to eager to reach. It's a way of doing the same thing in a hundred different ways.
Just thought it could something that all could benefit from.

Alex Knappenberger May 1st, 2003 04:11 PM

I ususally just take the framerate down in vegas, to 18fps or 24fps, to get more of a non video look, and I adjust the color curves, I have one preset that I made that I especially like.

Here's a example of my favorite color curve preset:


(These are bad examples, but..)



Alex Knappenberger May 1st, 2003 04:19 PM

This is also a cool one, it's not practical for most uses, but I am going to be using it in this video I am shooting this weekend...it's got that "dreamy" look, or something...


Charles King May 2nd, 2003 12:38 AM

Alex, thanks for getting the ball rolling but it doesn't same like your links work.

Cosmin Rotaru May 2nd, 2003 04:37 AM

The links are working for me and I like what I see!
Thanks Alex.
I especialy like the 2322123.jpg (I asume the pic from the right is the modified one)
Is just the color curve modified in this pic? How about bright/contrast/saturation? (it looks like they are all up a litle...)

Charles King May 2nd, 2003 05:35 AM

Yeah, Now they are working. It probably was a slow reponse to my server.

Boyd Ostroff May 2nd, 2003 06:47 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by Alex Knappenberger : it's got that "dreamy" look, or something...-->>>

I like that too. Actually, if you're using Final Cut Pro there's a free plug-in filter called "silk stocking" which creates pretty much the same effect. Experiment with different "harshness" settings. I like it at a pretty low value, maybe about 3 as I recall. It can help reduce that harsh quality that you get in less than optimal lighting situations, but it doesn't make it look out of focus the way a blur would. You can download it here:


Michael Chen May 2nd, 2003 10:42 AM

Thanks for starting this thread. It would be nice to see what others have to say.

Btw, Alex,
I cant seem to view the image u posted . Dunno whats wrong.
Care to elaborate more about what you do with the colour curves?

Do you normally alter the R, G, or B curve or all of them?

Alex Knappenberger May 2nd, 2003 02:33 PM

Yeah, its just the Red, Green, and Blue colors that you alter with the curves, my favorite is like this one:

(hopefully these links work now...)


and here's the examples (the links should work)



Christopher Hughes May 2nd, 2003 04:55 PM

Links are not working for me!!!! shame!

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