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Anthony Tham November 28th, 2006 12:27 AM

Film Feel ??
hello was trying to get it not sure if its close though . do let me know thanks


Jesse Redman November 28th, 2006 12:34 AM

Link not working

I can't get to the file on the link provided.

Anthony Tham November 28th, 2006 12:43 AM

Jesse i've fixed it . :) sorry

Marcus Marchesseault November 28th, 2006 06:06 AM

I don't know that it looks like actual film, but the color and overall exposure is good. Don't worry about looking like film, just make it look good. What I think is missing is a fill light on the left side (camera right) of the face. The reason for this is that the eye on that side is almost invisible and the other eye is also sometimes falling into dark shadow. A piece of white cardboard or a photography reflector off to the right of the camera's view would help bring some of the light coming from the window to bounce back to that side of the face. If this was supposed to be a shot from a dark room, the shadows would be okay. Because the room looks fairly well-lit by the window, the talent's face needs to also have sufficient light to see more of the details. The camera and any color correction were done nicely. Next, add some technique to the light and you have all three of the important ingredients for getting great pictures. What camera and post-processing techniques did you use to get this appearance with your clip?

Anthony Tham December 21st, 2006 06:49 AM

Hello, thanks for the comments. sorry for the late reply. The clip was shot on a cheap video camera panasonic MD10000 but i edited the colours using magic bullet and down to 24fps that was what i did. your comments are very encouraging thanks alot ! will try to improve :)

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