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Alejandro Vargas December 31st, 2011 09:14 AM

Critique, please.
sorry, i didn't find any other section where this could go
but i would really appreciate it if i could get some feedback.

video: How-To video about installing a performance shifter plate onto a mazdaspeed3 2010

password: j-speed

thanks in advance!

Sareesh Sudhakaran January 2nd, 2012 10:11 PM

Re: Critique, please.
I found it easy to understand and straightforward. A few more angles (especially close ups) and faster editing could have jazzed it up a bit, but it's not really a shortcoming - just a matter of style.

Good work. Hope this helps.

Kawika Ohumukini January 3rd, 2012 01:08 AM

Re: Critique, please.
Nice video. One recommendation. When you're doing something where the camera angle doesn't lend itself to seeing the actual work, I'd put a picture in picture of the actual components coming together or a technical drawing showing how the pieces fit. Keep it up. Cheers

Andrew Smith January 6th, 2012 10:08 PM

Re: Critique, please.
I'm guessing that you have used all the Magic Bullet type stuff for giving it that filmic feel, but the first thing I think when watching it is "blue cast!!!" ... which reminds me of the output from consumer video cameras.

Also, this isn't something where I would be crushing the blacks, even slightly. Given the darker colour of the components in the engine bay (and you want everything to be easily identifiable by the viewer) I'd keep it as well lit and contrasting as possible.


Paul Elertson January 9th, 2012 10:44 AM

Re: Critique, please.
Good job! More professional than 90% of the how-to's I see out there when it comes to automotive videos.

My theory behind how-to's is that most people watch them to get a sense of "can i do this myself" or they already started on it and got stuck somewhere and went to google. That is why when I create how-to's, I speed up any footage of me simply turning a wrench or doing something really easy. If you are able to and comfortable with it, doing a voice over can work very well too.

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