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Chris Hurd May 5th, 2010 06:33 PM

Cops Interrupt "Robbery" Scene, Nearly Shoot Actor
This happens so often, it's practically cliché -- but still very serious all the same:

Full story at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/0..._n_563995.html

If you're going to shoot scenes like this, notify your local law enforcement
in advance, and station a P.A. outside the entrance of the location to guard
against unsuspecting visitors!

Andrew Smith May 5th, 2010 07:54 PM

I wish I had a link for it, but some years ago a robbery scene was being shot and the production company had filed all the right permits with the police. And a patrol car still showed up and shot the actors dead.

And it wasn't even in America! (we have a saying here: "only in America")

Really wish I had a link to it.


Andrew Smith May 5th, 2010 07:58 PM

Just found it:

Actors mistaken for robbers shot dead by police - Times Online


Two actors were shot dead and another three injured while filming a crime drama in Luanda, the Angolan capital, yesterday, when police mistook them for armed robbers, their director said.

Chris Barcellos May 5th, 2010 08:44 PM

This happened to Dave Lawlor, an actor that has played in some of my DVChallenge films, last year in an independent film he was shooting. In that one, police responded to two guys running through a grave yard and onto city streets, with guns drawn.

John Wiley May 6th, 2010 02:47 AM

This has given me an idea for a script - a group of thieves plan a break and enter on a mansion. They notify local police they'll be shooting a film there. They even ask police to send down a squad car to keep people out of the vacinity. They rock up in their thief 'costumes' and balaclavas with one guy carrying a camera, storm the house and walk out with the loot right in front of the cops. Now I just need an ending and $40 million and I've got a blockbuster!

Andrew Smith May 6th, 2010 03:34 AM

Or you've simply got a lot of loot! :-)


Jeremiah Warren May 6th, 2010 09:54 AM

@John Wiley, John Dillinger beat you to that. He staged a bank robbery as if it was being filmed for a Hollywood film, and got away with all the cash.

Perrone Ford May 6th, 2010 12:11 PM

I am currently in production on a gang activity film. And we have been VERY cautious about speaking to all law enforcement personnel as well as local residents about what was going on. People don't take this seriously enough sometimes. And as has been said, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Be careful out there people!

Jeremiah Warren May 6th, 2010 12:15 PM

Another good idea would be to post a large sign saying that you're filming, and it's not for real.

Perrone Ford May 6th, 2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremiah Warren (Post 1523940)
Another good idea would be to post a large sign saying that you're filming, and it's not for real.

We actually thought about doing that. The problem is that unfortunately people have to get close enough to READ the sign. And generally, if you've got people "running around with guns" they aren't going to get anywhere close enough to read a sign.

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