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Brian Drysdale August 8th, 2020 05:26 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
To be honest, I would doubt that your filmmakers would qualify for a film and TV industry fast track testing scheme. With a one week delay it sounds like your local testing wouldn't have the capacity, they may have a fast track for those showing symptoms, otherwise they might be in an ICU at the end of the week with a severe case and still not have the test results.

You really need to be in isolation while you're waiting for the test results, otherwise it's a waste of time.

Ryan Elder August 9th, 2020 01:45 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
Oh okay, sure. Is there more fast tracking going on in the film industry of other nations then, if it's normal to get test results back in a day?

Brian Drysdale August 9th, 2020 01:58 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
I'm not aware of any special schemes in the film and TV industries. As I mentioned. other counties manage to get the results out quickly, it depends on the laboratory capacity and the organisation of the system in each country.

There are now tests being introduced that give results in 90mins, however, I suspect, they'll be initially used in clinical areas and care homes.

Paul R Johnson August 9th, 2020 02:26 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
3 Attachment(s)
They always say when one door closes, another opens. A small production company who put on a pantomime near where I live, but a much smaller one, have had to cancel theirs, like mine. However, they won't give up, so they're going g to put on a virtual pantomime - so we're shooting it to be streamed, and people will pay per view. It may work? Who knows? However, we did the teasers today and more tomorrow, so we are trying.

Money wise - we're doing a co-operative. We're all giving our input in return for a percentage. I wouldn't touch points deals normally - but with the crazy situation, the prospect of something vs nothing might well work. The potential for income generation would make it viable and the team seem very keen and we have no passengers.

Here's some stills from today's session.

Ryan Elder August 9th, 2020 06:29 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case

Originally Posted by Brian Drysdale (Post 1960529)
I'm not aware of any special schemes in the film and TV industries. As I mentioned. other counties manage to get the results out quickly, it depends on the laboratory capacity and the organisation of the system in each country.

There are now tests being introduced that give results in 90mins, however, I suspect, they'll be initially used in clinical areas and care homes.

Oh okay, there are also home testing kits I read about, but they are only 80% accurate. But if you do three tests maybe, that will give you a good idea still?

Brian Drysdale August 10th, 2020 12:21 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
There are home testing kits, but it's the time to get the results back that matters.

Brian Drysdale August 10th, 2020 12:32 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
[QUOTE=Paul R Johnson;1960530] a virtual pantomime - so we're shooting it to be streamed, and people will pay per view. It may work? Who knows? However, we did the teasers today and more tomorrow, so we are trying.

Money wise - we're doing a co-operative. We're all giving our input in return for a percentage. I wouldn't touch points deals normally - but with the crazy situation, the prospect of something vs nothing might well work./QUOTE]

During times like these it's worth experimenting. At least, the revenue stream is more under your control than a film, which has more complex distribution network.

An interactive panto would be interesting, if more complex operation.

Paul R Johnson August 10th, 2020 12:42 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
Ryan, I am mystified that you are asking these questions on testing when people have been talking about this since March, yet you appear to be totally lacking in any understanding of how it works in your own country? It's perfectly possible to risk assess when numbers are small if everyone has been responsible, and managed their bubbles properly. My wife works in a major hospital here. Her duties take her to virtually every department. It's been assumed that all the staff have been exposed as no testing was done early, and again, an assumption made that all of them have had it asympomatically or with mild symptoms. Their sickness stats have dropped back down to normal. Their bubble is considered controllable with them starting to wear masks only a short time ago to protect people they may meet, rather than getting the virus from them. This is the science guidance which is NOT the same as that given to the general public. It's the comparison and consideration factors that allow a plane full of mask wearing people to be ok, but spaced people in theatre's not. the government says it's best to go back to work if you can, but take sensible precautions, which mean checking everyone concerned' circumstances, doing a risk assessment. I think this is sensible and frankly, quite easy to do. There's no proof you cannot get reinfected, but it seems likely, so if a new bubble consists of people who have already had it, the risk drops. If one person has not had it, then that raises the risk, but only if any of the others are new recoveries and could still be infectious. This info is easily available. At what point a production should not go ahead is a matter for the producer AND the participants. I doubt it will fit any rule that is in place as a generic one.

Ryan Elder August 10th, 2020 01:46 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
Oh I guess the reason why it's only coming to me now, is because all of a sudden filmmaking is starting up again, so I am just getting use to it now, compared to before, when no one was making movies since before covid.

John Nantz August 10th, 2020 12:51 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case

Originally Posted by Ryan Elder (Post 1960517)
Oh okay. Well I just saw opportunities to help make movies and I got on it.

Well maybe the filmmakers can get special testing done that is independent from the rest of the testing system perhaps, and can just test the cast and crew only without having such a large line up, perhaps?

Just did a quick search for when the Covid virus is contagious and some of the top hits are:

Coronavirus is most contagious before and during the first week of symptoms People stop making infectious virus once the body's antibody response kicks in …

If 25 people gather in San Francisco, odds are 34% that at least one has the coronavirus ….
San Francisco url

Asymptomatic coronavirus carriers are just as contagious as those with symptoms …
The Week, 4 days ago

People with coronavirus are highly contagious for days prior to symptoms. Some people do not develop symptoms for up to 14 days, or possibly even longer, but the virus is replicating and the person is contagious during this time.
Fox News April 1 (Ed: this is no joke!)

So, are you guys playing with fire? …. Nah, with Covid-19, make that ammonium nitrate!

for info: Yesterday a 19-year old high school kid in Puyallup (near Tacoma, WA), a top athlete and well liked, just passed away due to the virus.

When it is cold and a person breathes, one can see the white mist as the person exhales. The mist contains very small droplets and that is why it is called a mist. When the temperature is warmer, the droplets aren't visible, but they are still there. Not only that, the surfaces everybody touches can contain viral material. This is something one should think about when playing roulette with nitrate stuff.

Brian Drysdale August 12th, 2020 12:51 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
There's a new job as Covid 19 Compliance Officer on productions.


Paul R Johnson August 12th, 2020 03:36 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
We're really trying hard to make sure people in our production 'bubble' are safe to work with. Before we meet, we talk about everyone's circumstances and it means I cannot use my usual sound guy because his partner is self-isolating. The others have all had the now usual checks and tests ahead of us meeting up. It means shooting is delayed a little waiting for people to become usable, but once we're going it's fairly easy to keep out of people's danger paths. People are aware and we can cope - but planning is harder.

Oh I guess the reason why it's only coming to me now, is because all of a sudden filmmaking is starting up again
This just shows your planning (one of your strengths you've told us frequently) is pretty poor. It shouldn't have come to you now - but months before. We're telling you now what is old and very basic information because you forgot to think about it? We all have our personal tool kits - the really useful stuff that get us out of trouble. Mine has wipes, spare masks and an electronic thermometer. Compare this with yours Ryan.

Ryan Elder August 21st, 2020 12:50 AM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
Oh okay, I have sanitizer and masks. But at the same time, I did take some paying gigs because I feel like I could really use the money. I'll try to be safe of course.

Paul R Johnson August 21st, 2020 12:30 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case
You need the money? You did say you actually have a full time job? I work for myself and my income ceased in two days back in march. My normal income has gone. I'm not sure it will come back, so I'm doing some other work alien to what I do - but if I don't, I will starve. If I bend rules I'm bad, or at least socially reckless. You're doing it for 'extra' - What worries me is that younger people just do not get social distancing - you see it in real life and you see it on the TV - they consider it other people's problem.

Andrew Smith August 21st, 2020 07:10 PM

Re: Do filmmakers tell the cast and crew where the money is coming from in these case

Originally Posted by Paul R Johnson (Post 1960554)
We're really trying hard to make sure people in our production 'bubble' are safe to work with. Before we meet, we talk about everyone's circumstances ...

LOL. Porn industry has the same issues. Just saying.

(I'll just go now.)


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