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Jonathan Levin August 27th, 2011 12:28 PM

Doing docu free of charge, need contract info.

I was contacted by a former pro boxer who wanted me to do his personal video history. He has lots of great stories, and I agreed to take on the project free of charge, including expenses, provided I maintain and own the rigs to the video.

His use for the video would be to give copies to family, a legacy DVD. My use is for my web site, maybe send it off to a few film fests, with the possibilty (maybe a long shot) to view on some indepent film channel.

The other use would be showing this to kids so that maybe they could be inspired to take up the sport, stay off the streets.

I don't see this as a blockbuster, million dollar thing, one can only hope. I am looking into some sort of grant, but that's another ball of yarn.

I have all model releases signed, but I'm wondering if there is a contract out there that would cover the above terms, with me as the sole owner of this video. My "client" has agreed to this verbally, but I'd like to get it in writing, complete with signitures.

Is there such a form? Obviously, with me making not a penny on this, hiring a lawyer would probably be tough.

Jonathan Levin August 27th, 2011 12:30 PM

Re: Doing docu free of charge, need contract info.
Sorry, IPad screw up. Your thoughts and help greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need anymore info.

Jonathan Levin

Brian Brown August 28th, 2011 05:37 PM

Re: Doing docu free of charge, need contract info.
Why not just try your hand at writing a contract yourself? You could borrow language form other contracts you've read. If you keep the lawyers out of it, then both you and the client will have a much better chance understanding it. *ha*

Sareesh Sudhakaran August 28th, 2011 09:56 PM

Re: Doing docu free of charge, need contract info.
You need a lawyer to draw up the forms. Model forms off the internet will not cover your particular situation and might not be good enough in case it makes a ton of money.

Jonathan Levin August 30th, 2011 01:04 PM

Re: Doing docu free of charge, need contract info.
Thanks Brian and Sareesh.

I think I'm leaning more toward what Brian said. Draw up something that has everything covered, from how he can use it, how I plan on using it, as well as smaller details, like the cost of any additional DVD's requested by anyone. I think that I'll word this in a way that should I re-coup my costs/loss, the talent and I may do a 50/50 split on profit, 60/40, who knows. I've talked with him about this and he is agreeable to sign pretty much anything that won't ruin him.

Make a ton of money? Boy, I can only wish. What would really be rewarding to me (and I suppose I'll never really know) is if this video makes a difference to some kid/adult watching this and it leads them down the right path.

I have an acquaintance that maybe after I draw up something simple as stated above, I can just have him look it over and see if there are any blatant omissions or errors.

I was just wondering if someone who has done something like this and had a contract, could share some insight.

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